Pilip? That sounds like an Inuit name.

I give Monty a questioning look.

“Pilip is the owner.” He sips his drink. “It’s easier to buy a distillery than start from scratch. Less red tape and legalities. Everything is already established.”

“This place is for sale?” My pulse quickens.


I tilt my head, trying to understand. “How many distilleries are for sale around here?”

“This is the only distillery in Sitka. But anything can be bought for the right price.”

I can’t be bought.

Taking a sip of my drink, I find it as bland as the vodka on the plane.

As I push it away, a group of women approaches us, their eyes sparkling with the buzz of alcohol.

“Tourists,” Monty mutters, glancing at his watch, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

One of them, a blonde with a sultry gaze, sidles up to Leo and trails her fingers down his arm. “Did it hurt when you fell from Valhalla?”

“Look at his eyes.” Another woman sighs. “This one conquers kingdoms.”

Leo hisses, brushing away the woman’s touch.

“I’ll let you conquer me.” The blonde licks her red lips.

“Not interested in easy conquests,” he barks.

She sucks in a breath.

Her friend angles toward me, a redhead with hair so bright it glows with a plastic-like sheen.

“I’ll make you work for it, handsome.” Her voice drips with insinuation as she teases my chest with fingernails so long and sharp that she would injure herself if she attempted to masturbate.

“No.” I bare my teeth, pushing away those dangerous claws.

“Are you sure?” She pouts, her lower lip jutting in a way that’s probably meant to be enticing. “I’m not easy. But for you, I can be.”

Beside me, Monty turns his back on another woman. “Not interested.” He flicks a hand at the crowd of females around us, hardening his voice. “Move along. Now.”

The tension in my shoulders eases as they scatter, returning to their table.

“Is that normal?” I stare at my drink, my back twitching beneath the probe of dozens of eyes on me.

“When you’re the most attractive man in the bar…” Monty rakes a hand through his hair, mussing the black strands. “Comes with the territory.”

I steal a glance behind me. Several men now surround the women who propositioned us. The males press in too close, touching, smiling, and invading personal boundaries, but the females seem to welcome the attention.

“Did Frankie come here?” The thought stiffens my spine. “Is this where she drinks with her colleagues?”

“No.” Monty follows my line of sight, glowering. “The locals avoid this tourist trap.”

“Why are we here?” Leo asks.

“With Kody’s vision and my financial backing, this place could be a hot spot for both tourists and locals.”