She’s lost her mind. None of us would harm a hair on her head.
And fighting each other doesn’t solve a damn thing.
Monty won’t share her with us. Leo won’t share her with Monty. I just want to be with her, but she’s drawn a line in the sand. She won’t choose between us.
There’s no win here.
I won’t live on this island and watch her fall deeper and deeper in love with a man who wants her for himself. They have a history, a marriage that Leo and I can’t rival. We need to get her away from him.
“We can’t stay here.” Anger and hurt throb beneath my skin as I meet her eyes. “You’re coming with us.”
“You’re not thinking rationally,” Monty says. “There’s a serial killer on the loose, and Frankie is the target.”
“We’ll take guards.” Leo turns and storms down the hall, his footsteps echoing like thunder. “Let’s go, Frankie.”
“Don’t do this.” She chases him, reaching for him, trying to stop him. “Don’t let this destroy everything we’ve built.”
“Him or us.” He whirls on her, catching her arms as she crashes into him. “Decide. Are you staying or going?”
“I won’t stay here without you.” She shakes her head rapidly, ignoring Monty’s objections. “And I won’t leave with you.”
“That right?” Leo laughs coldly. “Well, those are your only two options, love.”
“If you leave…” She juts her chin. “I leave. By myself.”
“I forbid it.” Monty’s eyes flash.
“Where the fuck would you go?” I ask incredulously.
“The on-call room at the hospital has a bunk bed and bathroom.” A tear splashes onto her cheek, and she slaps it away. “I’m the problem. I’m the one who needs to leave.”
Her anguish cuts through me like a knife, twisting deeper into raw wounds.
“That’s bullshit.” Leo tangles a hand in his hair. “Either you’re staying here or coming with us.”
“I’m not going with you.” She steps closer, her eyes pleading. “Stay with Monty. I choose all three of you. All three of you together, with or without me. I just want you to stay together and take care of one another.”
“They can’t be fixed,” Monty mutters so quietly, so deliberately imperceptible by the ear.
He forgets I hear tones most humans can’t.
“What the fuck did you say?” I lean toward him, a vein throbbing at my temple.
“You heard me.” He lifts his chin, daring me to hit him.
So I rear back my fist and drive it straight into his throat.
The force of the strike doubles him over, shock flashing in his eyes as he grabs his gullet and coughs through the pain.
“Kody!” she gasps.
“He’ll be fine.” I back up and lean against the wall.
I barely throat-punched him. Just enough to stun him. He’s already straightening, glaring at me like he wants another one.
But the look on her face…