He’s trying and that helps.
Sparks race through my system at being this close to him. But I need to hold that line.
Coop clears his throat. “When you two are done?”
I lift my head off Blake’s chest and look up into his gorgeous green eyes. He presses a sweet kiss to my lips, making me long to capture the back of his head and deepen it. But he turns with his arm around my waist to bring me into the kitchen.
Coop sits at the island, working on his laptop.
“Did you find any security breaches?” Blake becomes all business, and I rest my head against his arm. After our talk, I feel more confident that we can get back to where we were.
I’ve missed being his.
His thumb strokes over my hip, making lightning chase through me.
“None. Our security measures kept them out of our system, which means there’s a bug in this room or they hacked the TV and took a screenshot.” Coop runs a hand through his loose, long hair.
I stare at the TV. “Can they do that?”
“It’s not typical.” Coop leans back against the counter and stares at the black TV. His eyes narrow. “Most hackers are looking for money. There’s not a lot of information on our TVs that would be useful for them. I disabled the camera and microphone on the TV after we bought it. I didn’t want it to be a security issue. The stalker could have accessed it via the Bluetooth but would have needed to be close to set it up. I’ve disabled the Bluetooth and any other entry points.”
“Did we talk about the video anywhere but in the apartment?” Blake squeezes me against him. They never found any bugs in the apartment with their multiple sweeps.
“I can’t remember.” Coop shuts his laptop and turns to me. “Do you have the picture, sweetheart?”
“I’ll grab my phone.” I left it on the charger since I didn’t need it. Squeezing Blake one more time, I head into my bedroom. When I return, Blake sits next to Coop.
I hand Coop my phone with the picture open. Blake looks over Coop’s shoulder.
“My money is on screen capture.” Coop shakes his head. “Given the cropping, it’s hard to tell, but there are no artifacts on the shot and it doesn’t look off angle.”
“And if the stalker had a camera in here, why point it at the TV?” Blake takes the phone and hands it back to me. “He would have gotten more interesting things from us watching it.”
I look down at the photo. I loved every minute of making this film. Watching it with the guys made me even wetter. That the stalker had access to it makes me queasy.
Blake reaches out and squeezes my arm. “He’ll fuck up. He has to.”
I nod. He has to.
Coop stands over me and looks at the picture on my phone. “He should have sent the one with you getting fucked by all of us.”
His finger trails along my spine all the way down to my ass.
“All of us stuffing you full of cock.”
I turn the phone over and set it on the island. I can’t let the stalker control every aspect of my life. Stepping into Coop, I reach up and run my fingers through his hair, letting the silky strands slide over my skin.
“I’d rather make untainted memories.” I lift my gaze to his heated blue eyes.
Lust stirs inside me. I kept it tamped down while Blake and I were training, but with Coop here, maybe he’d appreciate some payback for when Blake ruined his playtime. Maybe Coop can take control.
His eyes rake me up and down. “Want to show me your new moves, sweetheart?”
Blake remains motionless at the island, carefully scanning my face.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt anything vital.” I give Coop the smirk he usually gives me.
He stalks slowly around me. “What do I get if I win?”