“I knew I was falling for you when we went back to my apartment that first time.” She lifts her forehead from mine and searches my eyes. “But I think I was always falling for you. It hurt when you held yourself back in the beginning. I didn’t understand why you didn’t want me.”
“I wanted you too much.” Leaning in, I press a kiss to her forehead. “I didn’t want to get caught up. If you ended up being like the others, you would have hurt me. You had that power from the start. From our first phone call.”
“Blake, I love you. I’m never going to stop loving you. I can’t imagine being with someone other than you four. You’re all I need, all I want, all I love.” She smiles with so much love I can feel it reach inside me and squeeze my heart.
“I’ll make it up to you, tiger. I’ll make this right somehow.” Proving that I trust her is nearly an impossible feat, but I’ll find a way. “I can’t lose you.”
She nods. “I know.”
“Is it okay for me to hold you? Even when we’re alone?” I brush that pesky strand behind her ear again.
“Of course. I love your hugs.” Her smile is soft and loving.
For now, I brush a kiss over her lips before standing and offering her my hand to help her up.
“Let me gear up and then we’ll go through the motions in real time.”
I go get the padding on. We have a self-defense class taught here for employees, so we have the equipment I need. I’ve helped with the class a few times. I leave the gloves off, but even without them, it will protect my front from her attacks.
When I step back into the room, she laughs.
“You worried I’ll take you out?” She pushes her fist against the breast pad.
I grin and shake my head. “It’s more so you don’t pull your punches. In an actual situation, you can’t fake it. We need you to be sharp and react without having to think.”
“Let’s do this.” She stands in the middle of the mat.
“This time I’m going to apply a little pressure, not enough to do any damage, but I want you to feel it. Ready?” I’m worried she’s going to freeze and won’t ever get past that point. But like she said, better with me than an attacker. If she can trust me, we’ll get her past it.
“Ready.” Her lips press firm with determination.
When I grab her neck, she takes a deep breath. I squeeze slightly. Her chin tucks. Her hands come up and she knees me in the groin. It doesn’t get me, but I feel the force on the cup. I bend over like an attacker would if she got him there. She grins at my bent over figure.
“Good job, tiger, but you forgot to run away. And hit harder and knock me over. Pretend I’m Hunter.”
She grimaces. “That’s a visual I didn’t need.”
“You need to be rough, love.” I step close to her. “Haven’t you wanted to take down that bastard?”
Her eyes spark up at me. That’s what I want to see.
“Good. Use that anger and hit me for real.”
Chapter 154
Knee Deep
“I think you have it.” Blake opens the door to the apartment. “A few more practice sessions and no one will grab you unless you want them to.”
I beam because I feel powerful right now. It took a few false starts before I was confident I wouldn’t actually hurt Blake, but imagining Hunter as my assailant definitely spurred me on. I’d love to put him in his place.
“I look forward to kicking your ass.”
He smirks and pulls me into his arms. “Anything for you, tiger.”
His spicy cologne fills my nose as I press my head against his chest. How I could go a day without touching this man is beyond me. Even though I focused on my moves, touching and being touched by Blake made me long for how he plays with me. I love submitting to him, but that takes trust on both our parts.