Since Kayla is flying in to work here this week, we waited for her flight to arrive in the afternoon to talk. Sara, Hope, and I are sitting in an awkward silence when Blake lets Kayla into my room. Each of these women have a piece of my story, but none of them have the full picture.
As soon as the door closes, Sara stands and hugs Kayla. When they disengage, Kayla eyes me as I sit there. My heart pounds because I don’t want to lose the first friends I’ve had.
“Come on, Madison. We know you aren’t that shy. Get over here. You need a hug.” Kayla walks over to me, pulls me up, and hugs me tight. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you, honey.”
The tension seeps from my muscles and I hug her back, grateful she’s here. “Thank you.”
“Okay.” Kayla releases me and turns to Hope. “Hope?”
Hope smiles and holds up her hand in greeting. “Hi.”
Kayla shakes her head. “I’ll get a hug from you after we figure this shit out.”
She takes a seat and they all turn to me. I swallow hard. I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt today with a sweatshirt over it. After the pictures they saw, I needed to feel bundled up.
The stalker revealed my life to these women. My mother just wanted to know if I was being safe. My parents didn’t receive a picture. Thank god. But they got a warning that I wasn’t being careful and that my bosses were taking advantage of me.
“You all know I have a stalker?—”
“Who is a major asshole. Seriously, who sends out pics of a girl getting dick?” Kayla shakes her head. “Assholes, that’s who.”
The others nod, but I continue, “I’m not just dating Coop.”
I meet Sara’s eyes. “Or just Coop and Noah. We’re all together. The four of them and me.”
I look down at my hands, waiting for the chastising to begin. Telling me what a whore I am.
“Man.” Kayla breaks the silence. “Living the fucking dream. Literally.”
Sara snort laughs. I lift my gaze to Kayla and she smiles and winks at me.
“I knew Blake was fucking someone. I’m glad it’s you.” Kayla crosses her legs. “I get it though. If four really hot dudes were okay with me screwing all of their brains out, I’d be down.”
“That explains so much.” Hope sits forward. “There’ve been times I swear you had something going on with Blake or Seth, but I thought you and Noah were just really good friends. Wait, isn’t Noah dating Sara?”
Sara holds up her hands. “Nope. Just going out to cover for him dating Madison and to make my mom think I’m dating. Oh, and trying to make my brother’s best friend jealous.”
“Is it the hot Viking?” Kayla’s eyes twinkle as she practically vibrates on the chair in excitement. “Please tell me it’s the hot Viking.”
Sara blushes. “No, not Dante.”
“Then pass him my number, would you, because I could use some of that hot dominant energy about now.” Kayla gives a little shiver.
“What about Bea?” I ask, remembering Kayla’s girlfriend.
“We’re arguing about where to live. I want to move back here and she doesn’t.” Kayla pushes her hand through her dark hair. “Honestly, a relationship with one person is hard enough. I don’t envy you with four of them."
"We manage." I shrug. It hasn’t all been sexy times and rainbows.
“Okay, back to the asshole who’s trying to ruin you.” Kayla gestures for the conversation to move along.
“He sent those texts to you all and my parents.”
“The picture?” Sara looks horrified that my parents might have seen that picture. That would have been my reaction too.
“No. Just more warnings that my bosses are taking advantage of me.” I put my hands in my lap. “The stalker was at the benefit. They took a video of me and Coop in a secluded hallway.”
“I’m going to need to see that video?—”