Leighton coughs and blots her lips with her napkin. She glances at Drew. But he just relaxes and dabs his napkin at his mouth. His brown eyes meet mine with a smirk.
“What do you really want to know, Cooper?” Drew rests his elbows on the table and contemplates me. “I mean, this dinner is a fishing expedition if I ever saw one.”
Drew smiles and looks around the table. His gaze settles on Sara and Noah. “Though I’m not sure what you two are doing here?”
Sara raises an eyebrow. “Entertainment. Of course.”
Drew gives her a flirty wink. “I live to entertain.”
His attention returns to me while Leighton tries to lean in to him to say something and Elizabeth looks like she swallowed a bone.
I think I’m going to like this guy. “If this is a society match between you and Leighton, why aren’t you engaged?”
Leighton’s eyes flick to me almost hopefully. Like the reason I’m asking is because I want her.
“My family is pushing the match, but Leighton confided in me she still wants to marry you.” Drew’s eyes sparkle. He’s open and clearly eager to spark the fire that will burn these women to the ground.
“Drew.” Leighton’s got her serious voice on now.
“So you’re just fucking her?” I arch an eyebrow.
“She’s hot and good at what she does.” Drew shrugs. “Who am I to say no to a beautiful woman?”
“And Elizabeth?” Seth’s gaze meets Elizabeth’s horrified one.
“Oh, she’s good too.” Drew smirks.
“You slept with her?” Leighton’s voice is almost a shriek as she stands abruptly.
Drew rubs his finger beside his lip. “We didn’t exactly sleep.”
“How long?” Leighton’s hands shake on her napkin as she tries to squeeze the life out of it.
“Since the benefit.” Drew smirks. “She came on to me. Said she wanted to take something of yours, and that would be me. Of course, she doesn’t want to marry someone like me, but fucking me behind your back makes her so fucking needy. Do you know the things you can make a woman do when she wants revenge?”
Elizabeth shakes her head. “You asshole.”
“I don’t mind being a bone you both want to fight over, but not when it’s obvious you both actually want Cooper.” Drew leans back. His gaze flicks between the two women before settling his gaze on Sara. “Personally, I wouldn’t marry either of you, but I’m always down to fuck.”
This is better than we could have imagined. Sara’s shoulders shake as she tries to hold in her laughter. Madison’s hand squeezes mine.
“Let’s get one thing straight.” I kiss Madison’s hand before releasing it and standing. “I’m not available to either of you conniving bitches. If you don’t want this all to end up as gossip, you’ll stop thinking you can get to me by using my friends”—I glare at Elizabeth—“or my family.” I shift my glare to Leighton.
“We have pictures of Elizabeth and Drew fucking.” Seth wipes his hands and stands. “If you try to release information about us or publish any more fake announcements about Coop’s engagement, we’ll release those pictures. Both of you will look bad.”
Elizabeth’s lips press together tightly.
“See, now this is a good dinner party.” Drew takes a drink of wine. “If you need any additional information, I’m more than willing to help. And ladies, I’m always available.”
He winks at Sara, who releases a little laugh before containing it. He picks up his fork and digs into his food.
“I’m not staying here.” Leighton picks up her clutch. Her gaze goes to me. “I’m so fucking done with all of this. I didn’t put in an engagement notice. It would have been too humiliating if we got back together.”
“Which is never happening.” I make sure she understands that as I retake my seat.
“Whatever.” She glares for a second before turning to Drew. “Oh, Drew?”
He turns his head and smirks.