Page 30 of Tease Me

“Hey.” Coop tips my head so our eyes meet. “He’s our lawyer. He’s not allowed to talk about it with anyone else. Not even his wife. Strictly confidential. He isn’t here to judge us, just to protect us from lawsuits.”

It still makes my insides churn uncomfortably. But I know the guys did it to protect themselves. What if it ever got leaked? The sex contract between all of us? It’d be an even bigger scandal than us trying to take our relationship public.

“Are we good, sweetheart?” He rubs his thumb along my jaw.

When he helps me stand, I run my hands over my skirt to straighten it. Standing behind me, he leans into my ear. “I can’t wait to have you bent over my desk with that skirt bunched around your waist while I fuck your tight pussy.”

My breath catches, and I sway back into his heat before remembering we have someone waiting. Fuck.

I give him a glare with a small smile to lessen the impact before heading back out to my desk. Back out to face the guy who knows I sleep with my four bosses. I’m a professional assistant and I can behave as such in this case.

Taking my seat, I meet Patrick’s brown eyes for a second before he lifts them to Coop.

“Patrick, we figured we’d set you up in the conference room, but there’s a slight problem with a bug infestation.” Coop claps Patrick on the shoulder and moves him toward the break room. “For now, we have you set up in the break room until we can verify that the bug situation is under control.”

I glance toward the conference room and see Blake and a few others doing a sweep. There’s a device set on the conference table that’s designed to trigger when the bug transmits. It should light up. It’s possible for the device to record some in its buffer before sending. Blake explained it to me yesterday, but it was a lot of things I didn’t understand.

All I know is, it isn’t safe in the conference room for now. It’s hard to feel safe even in the apartment, but Blake assured me we are.

I trust him. I trust all of them.

Chapter 136



“We have an issue.” I walk into the break room to find Seth working with Patrick.

Seth straightens. “What is it?”

Patrick lifts his gaze from his laptop and looks at me expectantly. I’m hesitant to say this in front of him, but fuck it, he’s our lawyer. Maybe he’ll be useful in this instance.

“Security caught Robert Addler trying to get in the fire door for our apartment.” Madison’s old neighbor decided to try his luck at our back door. The door that leads to the staircase into her bedroom.

“Was he trying to break in?” Seth leans back.

“He tried the door and then waited for security to come for him.” It doesn’t make sense. We’ve ruled him out as the stalker time after time, but what if we were just wrong? What if he’s been planning this all along and we’re walking into his trap?

“Are you sure he wasn’t invited?” Patrick taps his pen on the table. “It wouldn’t be the first time one of your assistants had a man up to her apartment.”

That makes no sense. It’s daytime. Madison is working. She’s ours.

When we were working on our case against Andrea, we told him she had people up to the apartment. Technically, we weren’t exclusive, but everything seemed relevant to tell our attorney at that time. Rachel also had guests up occasionally. There was nothing wrong with that.

“Madison wouldn’t do that.” Seth meets my eyes and I know we’re on the same page.

Patrick holds up his hands as if in surrender. “I didn’t want to stir the pot, but it’s not like Ms. Harris is known for her discretion. We used to worry she had boyfriends over after the kids were in bed.”

Maybe back then. She’s been with other people before, but not now. Andrea had a few guys up to the apartment. Rachel probably did too. But usually they came in through the front door. We only found out about Andrea’s visitors by the emergency exit when she told us. I don’t know what Patrick is trying to imply, but I trust Madison.

“Robert says he’ll only talk to Madison,” I say.

“We can’t call the police, right?” Seth turns to Patrick.

“He tried the door and didn’t get in. There’s nothing illegal about that.” Patrick rubs his chin. “I’d be concerned that it was a miscommunication between the two of them. Otherwise, why would he want to talk to her and only her?”

“She was always polite to him. He was her neighbor.” The words fall out of my mouth without a second thought. Maybe when she shouldn’t have been. I can’t forget how nervous she looked when he kept stepping closer to her in the lobby. But then, she knew I was watching... I rub a hand over my face. Fuck, what am I even thinking?