They giggle.
“We had a bath,” Olivia states. “Hi, Auntie Nan.”
Olivia and Oliver run into the kitchen and claim the table and a stack of paper and crayons.
“You guys are sure you’re good for tonight?” Blake asks as he comes in the kitchen with Kayla and her wife, Nan.
Kayla coos as soon as she sees Sophie asleep in my arms. She grins up at me. “Somehow that makes you look sexier than Coop. Though you’re all still sexy. Madison is so lucky.”
“I’ll take it.” I’m sure she’d willingly take Sophie off my hands. But it’s so rare that I get a moment to hold a sleeping child, I’m not ready to let her go yet.
“How’d the call go?” Blake asks.
“No, Daddy.” Olivia turns and glares at Blake. “No work talk at home. Mommy’s rules.”
Coop snorts and Blake whacks him on the back with a fake concerned look.
“You choking again, Pop Pop?” Blake lifts an eyebrow.
“No, Daddy.” Coop is barely holding it together.
“Mommy said you can’t call Daddy that, Pop Pop.” Olivia rolls her eyes and tries to focus on her drawing.
Coop walks over and scoops Olivia into his arms. “Are you going to tell on me, Liv?”
She giggles and shakes her head. “No, Pop Pop. Put me down.”
“Magic word?”
“Please,” she says while giggling.
He puts her back in her chair.
“All right,” I say quietly to get their attention but not wake the baby. Our children look up at me and my heart just can’t stop growing. Having this family has really made my life complete. “Mommy and your daddies are going to be gone all night. That means Aunt Kayla and Aunt Nan are in charge.”
The older two nod and the younger ones are fighting over their blocks again.
I lift my gaze to Kayla. “Good luck.”
“Are you taking the baby with you?” Nan asks. She wiggles her fingers to take Sophie.
I sigh and kiss the top of Sophie’s head, taking a second to breathe in her scent before passing her off to Nan’s arms.
Sophie wakes for a second before settling against Nan’s chest. Everyone releases a collective breath. Noah comes into the kitchen.
“Hey, Kayla. Nan. Madison isn’t down yet?” He glances over his shoulder.
“She wasn’t up there when you changed?” I move toward the doorway. Blake puts his hand on my shoulder.
“She wouldn’t let any of us in the bedroom to change.” Blake smirks. “She was afraid she’d never get ready.”
Kayla chuckles and Nan smiles.
“Go on. Have a good night. You guys deserve it.” Kayla makes a shooing motion.
But that just begins the long train of good night kisses. After another ten minutes, we’re standing at the foot of our stairs waiting for our wife.
“I can go knock,” Noah offers.