Page 155 of Tease Me

When I step on the elevator, I’m nervous. I haven’t seen Fox since he told me about Andrea. He was nice early on. A little flirty, but last time he was a lot more bold. I just don’t want to deal with him if he’s going to be that way. Hopefully, we can be professional.

By the time I arrive at the lobby, I’ve taken a few deep breaths. If he starts in on any of his stuff with past assistants, I’m just going to tell him I’m not interested.

The elevator doors open. I lock them open and head to the receptionist’s desk. Fox is nowhere to be seen.

The temporary receptionist smiles at me. “She had to go grab the cart.”

She? I nod and wait to see what the hell the woman means.

When the doors open, an older woman, maybe in her fifties, rolls the cart across the marble floor. When she reaches me, she gives me a toothy grin.

“Hi, I’m Agnes. I’m your new delivery gal.”

A hand touches my waist from behind. It’s soft enough not to alarm me. I turn to look up at Blake.

“Fox doesn’t deliver here anymore.” Blake smirks as his hand curves around my hip. “They shifted our route after I notified the company that he was doing extra deliveries on the job and was making my girlfriend uncomfortable.”

“Girlfriend?” My cheeks turn rosy as my heart pounds a little harder.

He shrugs. “That’s what you call someone who’s yours. Now hurry and get those groceries put away so you can be there for your fiancé.”

I grin. The receptionist blushes and tries to appear nonchalant. I turn to Agnes. “Welcome, Agnes. The elevator is right over there. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Agnes wheels the cart to the elevator. Blake’s green eyes sparkle.

I grab Blake’s tie and pull him down to say in his ear.

“Thank you, Daddy.” I press a kiss to his cheek as he chuckles.

“Anytime, tiger.” He swats my ass as I head to the elevator.

I love that we don’t have to hide anymore, but I’m definitely not calling him Daddy in public. That’s just for us.

I run my hands over the slacks Seth picked for me this morning. I still have on high heels, and he finished the outfit with the softest, lightest sweater. At breakfast, he pulled me down on his lap while we ate. I love those quiet times with my guys.

As I step on the elevator, I sigh and use my card to access the apartment level.

“I read that article,” Agnes says.

I stiffen, worried about what else she’ll say. “Oh, yeah?”

“It wouldn’t have taken coercion to get me to sign a contract with a hunk like that.” She laughs. “If I were thirty years younger, I’d be all over that man. And I’ve seen the pictures of the others. You’re a very lucky girl.”

Her blue eyes sparkle as I meet them.

“The luckiest,” I admit.

“My kids are already married or attached. They got lucky and found the loves of their lives. I say if you love those men, you hold on to them tight.”

The elevator stops.

“I do.” I walk out to the door and use the card. “And I will hold on to them.”


“Do you need anything else?” Seth sets my bag on the chair in my room.

I sit on the edge of the bed and hold my side as it aches. I’m not on the good stuff for pain relief anymore and I’m definitely feeling it.