I cup her cheek and lead her down until our mouths are almost touching. “Better now that you’re here.”
She presses her lips to mine, softly, delicately, like she’s afraid I’ll break. I part my lips and pull her closer as I take over the kiss. If I thought I’d have enough time, I’d have her suck me off or ride me. Pretty sure neither is on my list of approved activities.
Her hand clutches my t-shirt. At least I’m able to wear a t-shirt and sweats instead of the hospital gown.
“I’ve ordered you that nurse uniform. It should arrive today.” I thread my fingers into her hair and just look into her gorgeous blue eyes.
“What are we going to play?” Her devious smile makes my pulse skip.
“Someone has to be naughty. Either I can be the naughty patient, or you can be the naughty nurse, or we can be naughty together. But this time, Blake doesn’t get to take over.” I bring her lips to mine for another taste.
“We can have some alone time. I’d like that.”
I lower her head back to my chest. “We may need a dirty doctor too, but that’s a role best played by Noah.”
She chuckles and settles against me. With her in my arms, it feels like everything will be okay. There’s still this fiasco to take care of, but we can deal with that when I get home.
“I love you, Madison. This media frenzy might get nasty for a while, but we all love you.” I blow out a breath.
“I love you, Coop.”
My heart kicks up a notch. I never thought anyone would love me for me, but then Madison happened. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her and help her succeed in life. Because I plan to share in hers however she’ll let me.
Chapter 170
Personnel Changes
Monday afternoon, I’m working at my desk like nothing happened last week. Like I wasn’t almost robbed of all this. The grocery order is in and Coop should be home any minute. Seth left an hour ago to pick him up from the hospital. I wanted to go, but work has been crazy. One thing after another.
We’re behind from missing work a few days last week, but we’re almost caught up.
It finally feels like we’re back in the flow, except Coop isn’t here.
Theo is filling in for Coop until he recovers enough to work, but Seth took Coop a laptop. He needed something to do or he threatened to check himself out early.
I glance at the time. My foot taps under my desk. Just a little longer and I can go down to get the groceries and see Coop.
“Settle, kitten.” Noah rubs my shoulders. I tense at his touch, not expecting it. Hyperawareness of my surroundings is like a shadow I can’t just shrug off, even though I know I’m safe now.
I release my breath and lean my head back against him. “It’s been a week since we’ve been completely alone. He’s still healing.”
“You want me to help?” Noah’s fingers slide up my throat, leaving tingles in their wake.
Coop texted me this morning. The nurse outfit came in and he wants his own personal nurse to take care of him this afternoon, but I’m so scared of hurting him or making him have to go back to the hospital.
“Maybe?” I don’t want to disappoint Coop by having someone else there, but at the same time, they can help me make sure I don’t reinjure him.
Noah tips my head back and kisses me upside down. “Maybe I’ll come down later, kitten.”
His dark eyes hold mine for a moment. A whole fucking fireworks display goes off inside, thinking of Noah and Coop playing with me. Fuck, these guys have direct access to my buttons and know just how to press them. It doesn’t take much. Will it always be that way?
“Go down and get ready for him.” Noah steps back and winks. “After you get the groceries.”
I laugh. Showing up in the lobby in the slutty nurse’s uniform Coop bought me probably wouldn’t go over well. The media have calmed down some, but there’s still a few every day, waiting outside. Tonight over dinner, we’re supposed to discuss our next moves.
Fuck it. I’m not getting anything done here. As I close down my computer, my phone buzzes with a message that the groceries have arrived.