Page 16 of Tease Me

“Someone wants to use me. They know things about me. Personal things that they took. Someone wants me.” She turns and grabs my shirt. Her eyes are wide and tears float in them. “Someone wants to take me away from you.”

“I’ll never let them.”

She stares at my chest with her brows scrunched together. “I have more to lose now. Before, I would have lost the potential of something more. Now I’ll lose you guys and my career and my friends.”

I run my hand over her hair and grab the back of her neck, lowering my forehead to rest against hers. “I would never let anyone take you away from me. I will always find you. I will always save you. I can’t lose you, love.”


“Why does this person want me, Blake?” I fist his shirt as I try to make it make sense in my mind. “What did I do to make them think I want this? That I want them to watch me? To know me when I don’t know them? What do they want from me?”

He releases a breath and tightens his grip on the back of my neck. “I know why I want you. You’re beautiful. Intelligent. Sexy as hell. Willing to do whatever crazy thing we throw your way without batting an eyelash.”

I lift my gaze to his beautiful green eyes. They smile down at me as his thumb smooths over my jaw. My heart swells in my chest at the look in his eyes. It speaks directly to my heart.

“You’re soft and caring. You work hard and submit so beautifully. You’re perfect in every way. Any man would be a fool not to keep you for himself.” He breathes out and smiles. “You’re one in a million, love. We would have been fools if we hadn’t seen it and kept you for ours.”

My heart trips over itself, falling a little harder for this man.

“Now.” He smirks at me. “Do you want to break this chair, or were you going to search that grate in the kitchen? Because if you want to break it, you’re definitely going to have to hit it harder than you just did.”

I glance at the chair. A few minutes ago, I remembered it saved me, but now I know he did. They did. They gave me something to fight for. Something I wanted more than I thought. I need them.

Drawing in a breath, I blow it out and release his shirt along with those demons that tried to drag me under. I want to shake off the bad vibes this place gives me. I want to enjoy this man who belongs to me.

“I’m good now.” I run my hand over his jaw. He didn’t shave this morning, so the dark scruff teases my skin.

He turns and presses a kiss into my palm. “Good.”

“What about you?”

His brow furrows. “Me?”

“Do you like kids?” I brush the wrinkles out of his shirt and step toward the chair, lifting it to carry it into the kitchen. “Do you want to be a dad someday?”

I set the chair down and then smirk back at him. “Or are you happy just being a daddy?”

His eyebrow arches. He carefully sets his tools on the table before brushing his hands off on his jeans. His heated eyes meet mine and a thrill shoots through me. I’m so going to be punished, and I can’t wait.

“What was that?” He takes a step in my direction and I back toward my bedroom door. Bursts of lust spark through me like falling fireworks.

“What was what?” I try to keep my grin from growing. I’m not sure why I like tormenting him with this. “You mean Daddy?”

His playful growl sends a bolt of lust through me as I giggle and turn and run for my bedroom. My hand is on the doorknob when his arm wraps around my waist and lifts me off my feet.

“Ah, do I say uncle here?” I push open the bedroom door with my foot and glance over my shoulder up into his green eyes. “Or just Please, Daddy, don’t spank me?”

“You’re a spoiled little brat who needs a lesson.” Blake carries me into the bedroom and drops me on my bed.

“Oh, Daddy’s going to teach me a lesson.” Winking at him, I scramble toward the other side of the bed. He grabs my ankle and tugs me back toward him. I give a little shriek and laughter spills out of me.

As he drags me across the bed, I pull my foot back weakly without really trying to get away.

“When did you become a brat, tiger?” Blake arches an eyebrow and gives my leg a quick yank, making me shriek again, before coming down over me, caging me in with his body. “Is Coop a bad influence?”

“Maybe I like ruffling your feathers.” I sink my fingers into his hair.

His green eyes flare with heat. “Then I’ll have to teach you not to.”