“How did you know I’d come out here today?”
He grins that evil smile. “You track me, I track you. I came out here to help with Hope and figured you’d be suspicious. I made sure you’d have time today to get here.”
My skin crawls. I had a client cancel earlier because they’d been in a car accident. Is he saying he caused it? The Patrick I loved would never. He’d have an affair with a woman like Madison, but he wouldn’t hurt someone to get me to do what he wanted. I can’t believe I worried she was having an affair with him.
His eyes lift to mine. “We should move her somewhere more comfortable.”
“No!” The word bursts out of me as I pull her in tight. I can’t let him touch her. At his dark look, I soften my tone. “She might have hit her head in the fall. It could be dangerous to move her. I’ll look after her.”
I stare at my would-be murderer. Will he call my bluff? Will he decide I’m just in the way?
He glances over his shoulder and rubs the back of his neck. “I should clean up the blood. I don’t think she likes it.”
When he turns back to me, I nod. “She’d appreciate that.”
He puts his hands on his knees and stands. His gaze rakes over me. “That was always her major flaw. She likes people who are bad for her. I’ll cure her of that.”
He walks away into the kitchen. The front door is open. I could get away. I glance down at Madison’s relaxed face. Borrowed time. But what if I could help her by escaping?
Hope is out there somewhere. Maybe she found help. But what if she’s just lost? This property has been in my family for generations. If anyone can find help, I can.
I shake her, but she’s completely still. I pinch her arm hard enough to bruise, but still nothing. Whatever he gave her is effective.
The sound of running water reaches me. I slowly ease Madison onto the floor. I can be back before she wakes. Before whatever he plans to do to her. I flinch, knowing what guys do to women on this type of drug.
I hesitate as I rise. I don’t want to leave her here but I can’t carry her. My head still swims and the nausea rises again. I touch my forehead and wince at the swelling there.
If I can get her into a room... I grab her shoulders and try to drag her. She doesn’t budge.
The water still runs. If I stay, he’ll kill me and do whatever it is he wants to her anyway.
Damn it. I’ll be quick. I leave her on the ground. Alone and vulnerable. But I’ll find help.
Sounds come from the kitchen as I place each step quietly on my way to the door. One squeaky floorboard will give me away. My heart pounds in my chest. My pulse is erratic.
I’m coming back for her. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
My brain stalls. Then why did he drug her? Why did he want her here? In the middle of nowhere with nowhere to run to? Patrick has always been calculating and precise. But I never thought he could murder a man in cold blood and then turn the gun on the mother of his children.
If he needs to hurt Madison, he won’t hesitate.
The water is still running as I creep around the front door and onto the porch. My foot hits the gravel drive when I hear a roar behind me. I run. It’s all I can do.
Get to cover.
A shot rings out and I scream, but I don’t stop and nothing hits me.
I’m over the hill from the house when I look over my shoulder to see if he’s following me. Someone grabs me and covers my mouth before I can scream again. My gaze jerks up and I almost cry.
When a gunshot went off, we were done waiting for the police to arrive. Hope told us the situation. That she’d left Madison with the stalker along with Patrick and Anna. Anna was hurt, Patrick had freed Hope and Madison from the basement, and the stalker showed up.
After letting the police know, we left Hope and Jason at the helicopter while Seth, Noah, Blake, and I headed back to assess the situation. All we know is the stalker has Madison. The local police are en route but we don’t know how long it will take them.
As Anna comes over the hill, I grab her to pull her to safety.
“Anna.” I shake her shoulders as she sobs against me. I need her to tell me what’s happening, especially with Madison. I lift my gaze to Seth and he presses his lips together.