I swallow back the bile rising in my throat. While Hunter was an asshole, I never wanted him dead. I wanted him to deal with the consequences of his actions. I wanted him to leave me alone and respect my wishes.
“Little one, come here.” Patrick’s voice sends icy cold fingers of dread down my spine. My stalker. The phantom in the night who terrorized me for longer than I even knew. My feet are glued to the floor.
The door is right there. Outside is right there. It’s not locked. I could just run, lose myself in the forest until help comes. Tears press against the back of my eyes. But then Anna will end up like Hunter.
A body on the floor in a puddle of her own blood.
Elijah and Lily will be motherless.
I don’t care if she’s a crap mother like Patrick says, she’s still their mother. They’ll need her, especially if their father ends up in jail where he belongs.
He murdered Hunter. William’s only son.
I need to protect Anna while I can.
I take a step toward the kitchen. Every inch of me screams to run and hide, but I keep my feet moving forward, giving Hunter’s body a wide berth.
When Patrick sees me, he smiles like he’s so glad I’m here, like it’s voluntary. This man ignored me at every turn. My insides twist. I want to scream. I want to fight. But he’ll just pull Anna out and use her like he used Hope to get me here.
“Don’t be shy. I’ll make you something to eat and we can talk.”
He gestures me forward and holds out a chair. Everything in me says to run. To get to the door and just run like the hounds of hell are on my heels. I want to. Fuck, do I want to.
But I’m trapped. So, I walk over and sit in the chair like a good girl.
My heart clenches. Blake calls me his good girl. Yvonne sent him that message. He’ll know I wouldn’t go anywhere alone willingly. My men can do anything, including find me. I believe that with all my heart. My only goal is to survive until they make it to me.
I smile softly at the thought of them here, rescuing me.
“I hope you still like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” Patrick pulls me from my fantasy and crashes me back into this reality. “We need to stock up on groceries. But don’t worry, I’ll do it until you feel better.”
My eyes widen. Feel better? “I’m okay.”
“I’m sure you’re in shock, little one. Today was stressful. But it’s almost over.” He sets a plate down in front of me and puts his hand on my shoulder.
I flinch away. I can’t help it. I don’t want his hands on me.
Tsking, he squeezes my shoulder hard.
“Now, little one, is that any way to treat the man who saved you?” He releases me and takes the chair next to me, setting another plate on the table for himself.
“Saved me?” The words come out incredulously. What does that even mean? He didn’t save me. He coerced me into coming here. God knows what else he has planned. I can’t put it into words or I’ll break down. Lose myself in a hole I won’t want to climb out of.
I look at the sandwich. Do I trust anything this man gives me? He could have drugged or poisoned it.
“You were headed down a dark path, little one. But I got to you in time.” He takes a bite and gestures to mine. “Eat.”
I lift the sandwich half and bring it to my mouth. A brick falls in my stomach at the thought of eating anything made by his hands. I bite a small bit of bread off and chew.
That pleases him. Good. “I found out about Courtney and Andrea’s plan to slowly dismantle Morrigan and used them to distract the guys. Yvonne was only too happy to help me out. That one has a devious mind.”
Yvonne, the receptionist. Fuck. She was working with him? Why did I think she would ever help me? She hated me from the moment we met.
“She’ll be here soon. She needs to get away so no one can question her. I’ll take care of her.”
I swallow hard. Take care of her? Will he kill her too?
“Those other two though. Courtney and Andrea.” He shakes his head. “They wanted you out of the way. They got impatient for your stalker to take you.”