Page 113 of Tease Me

“Oh, and don’t forget to shower, little one. I want every inch of you sparkling clean for me. I’ll be watching.”

The message ends. I startle when the elevator doors ding and open to the lobby. The chatter of people enters the elevator, but I can’t move.

He has her. He’s going to hurt her. He might already have hurt her.

The box? I step out of the elevator and see the white box tied with silver ribbon. Just like his other present. My stomach churns. The elevator closes behind me and I wish I’d stepped back on it and ridden it back to safety, back to the guys.

They’re busy. They’d want to know, but I don’t know how much the stalker has access to. Can he see me right now? Does he know what I text? Fuck.

I can’t let Hope get hurt. Not in my place. It’s time to unmask this fucker once and for all. I’ll play his game, but I’m playing it my way.

“Thank you,” I tell the receptionist as I take the box.

“Whatever.” She turns back to her computer.

“Can you tell Blake that I need to run an errand?”

She looks at me like I’m insane. “Why don’t you just text him?”

I make up an excuse. “I forgot my phone.” I don’t want to let my stalker know that I’m telling Blake anything.

“Fine.” She types up a quick message and sends it.

“Thank you.” I swallow and take my package out to the curb. It doesn’t take any time to hail a cab and I’m on my way to my old apartment. Fuck.

The box sits on my lap, but it might as well be filled with poisonous snakes the way I hold it. I’m not eager to find out the contents. Why wouldn’t he just leave it in the apartment?

Fuck, the locks. Blake changed the locks and I don’t have a key, but apparently, one is in this box. Biting my lip, I open the ribbon and lift the lid. Inside on top of some white tissue paper is the key.

I quickly grab it and put the lid back in place, tying it shut. My phone buzzes and it’s the group chat with Hope, Sara, and Kayla. He has her phone so I know he’ll see whatever message I send to them.


Still on for Thursday dinner? I need some margaritas!



Biting my lip, I consider what I can say that will make them suspect something is wrong. How much does the stalker really know about me? How many conversations has he listened to?


We should have daiquiris at McAvoy’s. They’re the best.


Girl, yes. OMG, Kayla, you have to try them.


No need to twist my arm. I’m down.


We need to remember to take a selfie. We forgot last time.

Please, Sara, remember the night at McAvoy’s. When the stalker sent me pictures of us. The cab stops in front of my apartment and I pay the fare. I swallow down my fear as I enter the building and head straight up the stairs. He could be here waiting for me.