Due and Payable
Every time the phone rings, I jump. My desk is too exposed. There are so many ways someone can get to me and I can’t do anything about it. Even though the guys all have their doors open, I’m still alone out here.
My mind tackles the video. Why that clip? Why that song? Why that dress? I pick up my phone and see it’s only a little after eleven. I texted the group chat with the girls this morning about what happened. Kayla and Sara have both responded, but not Hope.
Where is she? When I call her desk, it goes straight to voicemail. Maybe I should call her cell phone. Blowing out a breath, I call her cell and again, right into voicemail. Reluctantly, I call down to the receptionist.
“How can I help you?” Yvonne’s dislike for me comes through loud and clear even though her tone is pleasant enough.
“Is Hope Williams in today?” I look at my messages to her yesterday that remain unread.
“No. Is there anything else?” Her eye roll comes through in her voice.
“Thank you. No.” I disconnect the call and pull up the number to Hope’s brother’s bar, McAvoy’s. It’s early and it won’t be open, but maybe I can get her brother. This restlessness makes me feel like I need to move. I walk into the break room as I press Call.
The phone rings and rings. “McAvoy’s.”
“Jason?” I ask, wondering if I should have called him at all. But it’s weird that she’s not at work and I haven’t heard from her.
“Um. This is Madison, a friend of Hope’s. She hasn’t been to work this week. Last I saw her was Sunday evening and she was heading to your bar.” It all rolls out of me in almost one long sentence.
“Hope didn’t come here Sunday.” Jason’s voice falters.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “Uh, I don’t know where she lives. She was pretty drunk when she left. Maybe she got sick and went home?”
“I’ll go check on her.” Jason clicks off the line.
I hold my phone away from my face and stare at the blank screen. Where could she be? If Jason doesn’t know where she is... I feel like such a shit friend for waiting until today to reach out.
“Hey.” Coop grabs my elbow and turns me to him. His thumb swipes at a tear on my cheek.
I wipe the others away, surprised to find them there.
“What’s wrong?”
“Hope.” My lip quivers, but I’m not going to cry because it could be nothing. “She hasn’t been into work this week and she didn’t go to her brother’s bar on Sunday.”
“Let me check with HR to see who called her in.” Coop rubs my cheek. “I’m sure she’s fine, just sick.”
I nod. Of course she’s fine. The alternative is unthinkable.
We walk back to my desk, and he goes into his office. My stomach clenches thinking about how much time has passed since anyone saw her. My guys would worry if they hadn’t seen me in an hour, but no one checked in with Hope.
That’s not entirely true. I checked in on her Monday. Wait! The group chat. She’d responded Sunday night when we were figuring out Thursday night plans. I open up the chat window and scroll down to the chat Sunday evening.
Every response was K or no. That sick twist in my stomach tightens. What if something happened to her? I’d never be able to forgive myself.
“She sent a text in.”
I turn at Coop’s voice and look at his blank face as he reads whatever is on his tablet.
“Nothing specific. Just taking sick leave.” Coop drops it to his side. “I have her address if you want to go check on her tonight or at lunch.”
“I called her brother. He’ll go check on her.” The twist doesn’t ease, but at least we’re doing something.