I could have sworn she said lunch. This whole thing feels off, but she was so insistent I come. And I did love her children. Maybe it’s just awkward because it’s awkward.
“How is your new job working out?” She sets down her glass, crosses her legs, and leans back in the chair. “You didn’t tell me at the benefit that you and Cooper were engaged. That happened fast, didn’t it?”
“Uh, yes, he decided quickly.” It didn’t happen at all. Coop just proclaimed it so. “My job is amazing. It’s just what I was looking for. I get to learn all the parts of the business and what it takes to run an organization as large as Morrigan Technology.” Not to mention the benefit of fucking my bosses. Definitely not mentioning that.
“Fascinating. Even though they’re young, they definitely have a well-oiled machine of a company. They’ve certainly made a name for themselves.” She leans forward and holds her hand out to me. “Is that one of the Graham family diamond rings?”
“I believe so.” I place my hand in hers and let her draw it across the table to examine the ring. Her eyes widen as she looks over the setting. I tell her, “It matches the diamonds I wore to the benefit.”
“It’s gorgeous. I’ve heard there’s a vault of diamonds just waiting for his fiancée.” Her gaze lifts to mine with a question in them.
I draw my hand back and look at the ring. That day he gave it to me, he told me it reminded him of me. “I wouldn’t know. Coop said he wanted me to wear this one.”
“Of course, Cooper would. He’s always been a collector of pretty things. Nothing but the best.” She gives me this smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She lifts her finger, and the waiter appears with two menus. “I shouldn’t be surprised you’re the one that ended up with the prize everyone wanted. You always attracted so much attention.”
She lifts her menu and I do the same just to keep from gaping at her. Always? I’m not sure what’s going on in her mind right now, but something seems off. Is she jealous of Coop and me? And me attracting attention? What’s that supposed to mean?
There weren’t any problems that I was aware of while nannying for Anna. Maybe I misread the situation.
I find something to order on the menu and set it down. It’s a good time to change the subject.
“How are Lily and Elijah?” I ask softly.
When Anna puts down the menu, she smiles. “They’re lovely. They love their new nanny. But no one really replaced you. They loved you so much. We all thought so highly of you, and look at how far you’ve come.”
She smiles like she’s proud of me. I don’t understand what’s going on. I can’t shake the feeling that something is off. But after the waiter comes by and takes our order, Anna starts telling me gossip about people I don’t know.
I nod like I’m following her story about Lexi Stratford, but I have no clue who any of the people are. When our meals arrive, Anna snaps her fingers.
“Your CEO is dating Elizabeth Hartfield, right?” She takes a delicate bite of her salad.
I swallow the lump in my throat, thinking of Elizabeth with Seth. “I believe so.”
Anna’s eyes light up like they did when she talked about Lexi. “They went to the benefit together, but my friend saw her duck into the special exhibits area. When she came out, she’d obviously been with someone back there. Do you think it was Seth?”
I freeze. She did? “I wouldn’t know.”
What if this is what we need to get Elizabeth to back off? What if she has a secret lover she doesn’t want to get out?
Anna pouts. “We’ve been trying to figure it out all week. You didn’t hear it from me, and I’ll deny it, but Elizabeth can be a bitch. I’d love to see her get what’s coming to her.”
I nod. She moves on to some woman named Rita Carlisle. My mind keeps going back to the benefit. Seth never left my sight except when the guys went to talk. Elizabeth was left alone. A lot.
It’s possible she met with someone. If she’s chasing so hard after Seth, then the person isn’t to her mother’s standards. Or he’s married. Or he could be a she.
The real question is, How do we use this knowledge to trap her?
“I’m so glad we could do this.” Anna sits back and drinks the last of her wine. “I always liked you and hoped you’d go far.”
“Thank you.” I smile. “You were always so nice to me. I really appreciated having you and the kids the first year I was away from home. You made being away from my family bearable.”
Anna puts her hand over her heart, and her eyes soften. “I only wish you’d become a professional nanny. Good help is hard to find.”
When we stand, she gives me another air-kiss beside my cheek.
“We should do this more often.” Her eyes search mine.
I smile, because what else am I supposed to do? It’s just something people say, right? “Of course.”