“This is crazy,” I muttered. “I don’t know what I’m doing!”
I spun around, gasping when I saw Brock’s lips moving despite his eyes still being closed. “You’re alive!”
“Of course I’m alive. Fox is all bark and no bite,” he grumbled.
“He threatened to murder me,” I retorted.
“Yeah, he would never do that. Not to you, anyway.”
Stalking over to him, I hovered over him until he was uncomfortable enough to open his eyes. “What do you mean, not to me?”
“Well, he would definitely kill someone, but he’s not going to kill you. You’d have to really piss him off.”
“I don’t understand. Are you dying?”
He snorted, wincing with the movement. “Trust me, I’ve been in worse situations.”
“Then why are you lying there like you’re dead?” I screeched.
“It’s called blood loss. It takes it out of you. A few winks and I’ll be good as new.”
“A few winks? What does that even mean?”
“Sleep,” he sighed. “Geez, you need to calm down.”
“Right,” I huffed. “I’ll calm down when they bring my champagne!”
He pushed up and stared at me. “Wren, you’d better sit down for this.”
The tone of his voice had me really worried. Was he going to tell me we were being tracked? Had the kidnapper caught up to us? Was he really dying but didn’t want to tell me?
I slowly sank onto the bed opposite him and tried to keep my trembling limbs still. “What is it?”
He got into a sitting position, pressing his hand to his side. When he looked at me, I knew whatever he was going to tell me was bad. “Wren, there is no champagne.”
I sucked in a breath, sure I had heard him wrong. “They…they don’t carry champagne here?”
He shook his head.
“Then…maybe they can send someone out for it. I could go for a nice wine if that’s easier.”
“They don’t have wine either. Or room service.”
I gasped in horror. “What are you talking about?”
“Look around you, Wren. We are at the low end of society. There’s no room service, no spa, and you probably don’t want to take a bath in that tub.”
I felt dizzy and sick at the same time. How could this be happening to me? How was I supposed to survive without the basic amenities? And then an even more horrible thought crossed my mind. “What about my facial cream? Surely, they can get that.”
But he was already shaking his head at me.
“But…” I stood on shaky legs, not sure of what else I could say or do. This was horrible, worse than anything I could have imagined. “This is it?” I asked, looking around at the cheap bedspread and small TV on the wall. “This is where we’re staying?”
“For now.”
“But I don’t even have a change of clothes!”