Page 27 of Blue Falcon

“Those will be the people who are fifty and crying over their crow’s feet,” he grinned.

Edu cleared his throat, looking at us like we were exotic animals at the zoo.

“Well, despite your excellent taste in skincare products, you still have to leave.”

“Sorry, can’t do that. But I will gladly share my secret nightly routine with you when I’m done.” He winked at me and went back to work.

I was torn between wanting to throw him out and needing to hear his secrets. They’d better be good.



“Sir,” Lock said, stepping into Ben Crosby’s office.

The rest of us followed him inside for our meeting with Wren’s father. His office was opulent, and it was clear he was laser-focused on work based on the multiple screens on the walls, constantly flicking from one stock report to the next. A man sitting in the corner stood, making his way over to us.

“Gentlemen,” Mr. Crosby said as he stood. “This is my assistant, Clark. He’s pretty much here all the time when I am, so please ask him anything.”

Lock nodded. “First, we’d like to discuss the letters.”

“Yes, I thought you might want to read them.” He nodded to Clark, who pulled out a file. “My daughter doesn’t know about all these, and I would prefer to keep it that way.”

Lock took the proffered folder and handed it off to me. “Sir, that’s a very dangerous approach. The less she knows, the more likely she is to do something stupid.”

He raised his eyebrows at Lock. “Watch your tone.”

“Sir, I’m not here to watch my tone around you. I’m here to do a job. And we can’t do our job properly with our hands tied behind our backs.”

While they hashed out their differences, I opened the file to study the letters. Flicking through the pages, I abruptly looked up at Ben Crosby. “There are a lot more letters than you mentioned.”

He stopped mid-sentence to glare at me. “I told you there were letters.”

“Yes, but this indicates someone who’s obsessed with your daughter. How often have these been arriving?”

“A few a week.”

I counted through the letters, glancing over at Lock. “That means this guy has been following her for at least a month. Why didn’t you take steps sooner?”

I didn’t give a shit if he didn’t like my attitude. He was putting his daughter in a dangerous position by leaving her in the dark.

“I called an officer to the house. He assured me they would look into it.”

“But they didn’t take the letters with them?” I questioned.


I didn’t even want to get into the stupidity of what had occurred before we arrived. Copies wouldn’t do jack shit if they were trying to build a case against someone.

“I’ll have someone study the originals,” Lock said, shooting me a look to watch my step. “From now on, no one will enter the property or leave without proper identification and a code we’ll provide them.”

“Is that really necessary? I can’t tell you what an inconvenience that will be.”

“It’ll be even more of an inconvenience if your daughter ends up dead,” I retorted.

Clark shifted uncomfortably, his face bright red as he ducked his head. Yeah, I got it. No one talked to this man in such a tone. I didn’t give a shit.

“As for the house, we’ve got all the security set up and we’ll be monitoring everything from here and also from OPS headquarters. We’ll also need to check all mail as it arrives.”