“But you would have screwed it up anyway. Brock, this kidnapping was to ensure you don’t fuck this up. We’re all here to help and support you. I think you’re really serious about this woman, and I want to see you get laid.”
I frowned. “Is there a reason why everyone is so worried about my dick?”
“No, just worried about what happens if you don’t get your woman back. Celibacy is not a good look on you.”
I opened my mouth to argue, but wasn’t exactly sure what to say. While extremely fucked up, they had good intentions. I just wasn’t sure I would survive a whole trip with all of them. Especially if anyone else brought up my dick. I was getting self-conscious.
“So, what’s the plan to get her back?”
That was the million-dollar question.
“I can’t believe you don’t have a plan,” Lock muttered as we checked into our hotel.
We all carried the luggage upstairs—most of it mine. I couldn’t believe how much shit they packed for me. It was ridiculous. I didn’t even pack this much stuff when we were going on a job. There were boundaries that were being crossed by leaps and bounds.
“Look, it was a last-minute decision to come out here, and then all of you joined in and took over. When the hell was I supposed to come up with a plan?”
“You should have had one all along. Always have a plan,” he snapped.
“This is not a mission,” I argued. “This is my life. You don’t get to dictate my life!”
He slid the keycard into the reader and shoved the door open, turning to glare at me. “That’s where you’re wrong. I own you for this trip. You will do whatever I say.”
“Says who?”
“I’m the team leader.”
“And this is my life,” I argued. “I say who. I say when!”
“Stop quoting Pretty Woman. You’ll never be Julia Roberts.”
I stomped past him into the suite and dropped my suitcase on the floor. We were in the Penthouse with enough space for all of us, but somehow, it felt way too crowded. Everyone filed inside and Cash started barking out orders to anyone who passed.
Fuck, I didn’t have a plan.
I came all the way out here and had no idea how to get her back. Which wouldn’t be a problem except that everyone followed me out here, expecting me to win Wren back. My initial idea was to watch her, to figure out my next move. That wasn’t a possibility now.
“So, what’s the plan?” Cash asked, walking over to me.
“Would everyone stop asking me about the fucking plan?” I shouted. “I don’t have one, okay? That’s me. Brock, the man without the plan. I came all the way out here and I have no fucking clue how to get her back. Are you happy?”
His eyes widened with every word I spoke. “Okay, calm down.”
“You calm down!”
“Brock, we’ll figure it out.”
“Why would you do this to me? I was fired. I only had one purpose going forward, and that was to figure out how to win Wren back. Then you all followed me out here. You ruined it!”
“Technically, we didn’t follow you.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Is everyone hanging out with Fox now?”
“Look, I get where you’re coming from. I was in the same place with Eva. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing with her. She was a client. She was scared and confused…it was fucked up. But I knew I wanted her and would fight for her. Same as you.”
“Eva didn’t have a fiancé,” I snapped.
“No, but she had a bunch of men trying to kill her. It’s practically the same thing.”