Page 95 of Blue Falcon

I glanced back at the bathroom, torn between following orders and taking care of Wren. I knew I was right. Even if everyone else thought I was wrong. I couldn’t send her back there. Not until I knew she was safe. I had come too far to turn back now.

“Sorry, boss. I can’t do that.”


“Sometimes a man has to do what he knows is right. I’ll call you when I figure out who’s behind this.”

I heard him shout my name as I pressed the end button. I shut off the phone and resigned myself to possibly being fired. But it was a risk I was willing to take.

The first thing I needed to do was get my hands on a computer. But until then, I’d have to use other resources. I needed to track the movements of her father now that she was gone. Whoever was pulling the strings had to make contact at some point, and when he did, I’d have the man behind the curtain.

There were two people I could contact. One was morally reprehensible, and the other…was also morally corrupt. Either one would work, but one was more willing to work with me. And I knew just how to make him do what I needed.

I dialed and waited for his voice on the other end, grinning when he answered with a long-suffering sigh.

“Brock, I’m not helping you,” Dash answered.

“I think you will,” I grinned, knowing he wouldn’t walk away. “There are things I know…”

Silence stretched on by the second as he considered this. “You wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t I? Considering the stunt you pulled, costing me any chance of ever sleeping with Miranda, I’d say it’s very likely I’d do it.”

“You swore. It’s a pact we made,” he said viciously.

“Hmm, yes, I did. But then again, there are so many secrets I’m keeping for you. The fact that you drove into a tornado because you were so fucking unwilling to admit that you might not be able to go up against a tornado and win. And how did I find you?”

“Don’t talk about it,” he snapped.

“And then I recall you pouring your heart out to me about the warm, fuzzy feelings you got when you slept in the same bed as Laura. I believe that was also in the roommate pact.”

“Alright,” Dash cut in, cursing under his breath. “Fine, I’ll help you. What do you need?”

“Information. Wren’s father kicked us out before we could conduct a thorough investigation into the man who broke onto her property. I know someone else was pulling the strings, but I can’t get that information if I’m on the run. I don’t have a computer or access to any of the OPS systems.”

“Fuck, Cash is gonna fire my ass.”

“If it makes you feel any better, he’ll fire me too.”

“How the fuck would that make me feel better?” he snapped.

“You won’t be alone.”

“I’m not going to be alone with you. That sounds like the worst fucking thing in the world—to be trapped with you.”

“You could be with Fox.”

“Been there, done that. No thank you.”

I heard the sound of Wren retching again and turned my attention back to Dash. “I need something else.”

“Fuck, information isn’t enough for you?” he griped.

“I need a vehicle and a place to lay low for a while. Preferably, someplace nice with all the amenities.”

“Oh, sure. I’ll get right on that. Do you want me to book you a spa appointment while I’m at it?”

“It’s not for me, asshole. It’s for Wren.”