Page 91 of Blue Falcon

“Christ,” I rolled my eyes, shoving back from my desk. “I fucking knew it.” I turned to the window and stared out at the field behind the building.

“Do not put Betty on that box. It’s really not that bad.”

“Not that bad?” I shouted, spinning to face her. “If it’s not that bad, then just tell me what the fuck happened.”

“Well…There may have been a mixup with the orders.”

“How the hell can that be? We were fired. We go home. End of story!”

“Right. Well, I guess they were mixed up in the sense that Brock didn’t want to listen and Fox was there to help out.”

I huffed out a laugh, trying to contain the mania swirling in my head. “Of course, this comes down to Fox. What did he do?”

“It’s more like what didn’t he do? But everyone arrived safely. For the most part. Lock and Scottie are still coming out of it, but given a few hours, they’ll be fine.”

That gave me pause. “Just Lock and Scottie?”

“Yeah, I guess Edu and Juliette were in on it.”

“In on what?”

“Drugging Lock.” She cocked her head to the side with a smile. “You know, it was actually very thoughtful. Brock didn’t want to put Lock on the spot and force him to deal with his insubordination, so he knocked him out. Now, he can’t be held responsible for any of it.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to deal with what I was hearing. “And his wife helped knock him out?”

“She’s a romantic at heart,” Rae grinned.

“And Edu?”

“Well, she couldn’t carry the bodies to the car by herself.”

“Of course not.”

“And Anna has a really weak hand since a spike was driven through it.”


“And since Edu really has no qualms about getting in trouble over this, he was all over knocking out his teammates.”

I nodded along until I thought of something else. “Wait, who flew the plane?”


I narrowed my eyes at her, stepping toward her with a menacing scowl. “Rae, don’t fucking lie to me. Who flew the fucking plane?”

“Um…I’m not sure you want the answer to that.”

“I really do.”

“I’m not sure you’ve thought this through.”

I took another step, backing her up until she was almost to the door. “Rae…”

“Yeah, boss?”

“Who flew my fucking plane?”

The door opened before I could get an answer and IKE strolled through with a grin on his face. “Hey, Cash. Long time, no see.”