I released his legs and stood back as Fox got him to the top of the ledge. Brock was filthy and I knew he would be upset when he saw the state of his hair. The poor guy needed more than a shower. He needed a manicure as well.
Fox hauled him over the edge and they both laid on their backs, panting and staring up at the sky. Brock’s white shirt was covered in blood, but he didn’t seem all that concerned about it.
“Thanks, man.”
Fox slapped him on the arm. “Any time.”
“I mean, you could have gotten there a little sooner.”
“Well, I had to explain to Wren how to get you out of that predicament.”
He rolled his head to look at Fox. “Next time, explain after.”
“Right. Because of the stab wound.”
“No, because I was hanging by one fucking hand and I didn’t want to die.”
Fox nodded. “Gotcha.”
Brock sat up, pressing his hand to his side. “Cash is gonna be pissed about his van.”
“Well, look on the bright side. He won’t be nearly as upset about you kidnapping Wren.”
“That’s true. Maybe it’ll work in my favor.”
I watched them go back and forth, discussing death and kidnapping so easily, as if this was a normal thing for them. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was filthy, wearing next to nothing, and I’d just very nearly been killed. How could they sit there so calmly?
“Excuse me, but what are we going to do about a vehicle? We have no way to get out of here!” I screeched.
Fox turned and looked at the fire in the distance. “You think there’s any chance it’s salvageable?”
“The truck? Doubt it.”
“I bet a few of the bikes are still good.”
“Bikes?” I asked. “You want me to get on a bike?”
“Did you have a better plan?” Brock asked, squinting up at me.
“Yes! We find a regular vehicle and drive to the nearest spa!”
They both stared at me, then burst out laughing. I didn’t understand what was so funny. “Why are you laughing? Brock, you understand. You use moisturizer and put gel in your hair!”
He pushed to a standing position, wincing as he held his side. “Wren, we’re out in the middle of fucking nowhere. We’re not going to get a regular vehicle, and I can guarantee there are no fucking spas around here.”
“But…” My nostrils flared as tears threatened to spill over. I did my best to hold back. I didn’t want to cry in front of these guys, but I was really dirty, my feet hurt, and I could seriously use a nap. Preferably one that wasn’t caused by me passing out.
“Hey,” Brock said, stumbling toward me. “It’ll be okay. This is what we do.”
“But it’s not what I do,” I forced out. “I don’t drive minivans. I don’t run people off the road. And I don’t save people from dangling off any cliffs!”
“Technically, you didn’t really do any of those,” Fox said.
Brock slapped him on the arm.
“What? Do you really call that driving?”
“The point is,” I continued, “I need some sense of normalcy if you don’t want me to fall apart. At the very least, I need some shoes!”