“Wren—” Brock pulled my chin in his direction and then I passed out.
“When is she going to wake up? I’m hungry.”
“Eat some Funyuns.”
“I did, but I’m starving! I need some shawarma.”
“Don’t you have any pickled pigs feet you can eat?”
“They didn’t have any at the last gas station.”
I tried to block out their voices. The last thing I remembered was staring at Brock’s worried face. But why?
Oh, that’s right. He kidnapped me.
I groaned, pressing my hand to my aching head. This had to be a nightmare.
“Wren?” Brock’s voice was attempting to sound soothing, but right now, I might actually be able to commit murder. That is, if I knew how to do that without getting caught.
Slowly, I peeked an eye open and stared at him. “Please tell me it was a dream.”
Fox snorted. “Did you hear that, man? She likes us so much she wants to dream about us!”
“I don’t think that’s what she meant,” Brock grumbled. He held out his hand to me and helped me sit up. I wouldn’t have taken the help, but my head was still swimming.
Slowly, I looked out the window, seeing only flat fields and dying grass. Licking my lips, I tried to remain calm. “Okay, I can deal with this,” I said to myself. “Just because I’m in the middle of nowhere, my driver is gone, and I’m wearing only a nightie, that doesn’t mean I’m in trouble. I’m sure I can remember my credit card numbers.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Fox laughed. “Brock would never let you pay for anything. He’s a gentleman.”
“A gentleman who kidnapped me. I can work with that.”
“Wren, I really am trying to help you.”
I finally turned and looked at him. “By taking me against my will.”
“Well, you sort of seemed unwilling to see my side of things.”
“As did the rest of your team, apparently. Why did he come along?”
“Oh, it was my idea,” Fox grinned in the mirror.
“He was the only one crazy enough to kidnap you.”
“So, it was a kidnapping,” I said to myself.
“Technically, you can’t kidnap someone you know.”
Brock glared at him, along with me. He shrunk down in his seat.
“What? I just thought I’d reiterate that point.”
“Okay,” I took a deep breath. “So, we’re going to your place of…business or something, right?”
I was really hoping his answer would be yes, but the wince on his face said this wouldn’t be so easy. “Actually, we’re gonna lay low for a while.”
“Lay low,” I repeated. “In like a five-star hotel?” I asked hopefully.
“Uh…it’ll be in a hotel. Or motel.”