Page 72 of Blue Falcon

“I don’t need protection from anyone but you!” I shouted. “Would you please turn around in your seat!” I shouted at Fox.

Brock took my bound hands in his. “I need you to trust me. There’s more going on than what happened last night.”

“Okay,” I said, trying to remain calm. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then who is it?”

“I don’t know that either,” he winced. “But there is absolutely no reason that someone would be able to break onto your property that easily. Our systems are very sophisticated.”

“Kamau could do it,” Fox said.

“Kamau isn’t here. And it’s not him.”

“Who’s Kamau?” I asked, hoping I could finally get some answers.

“He’s an assassin.”

I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me this was some big joke, but he just continued to watch me carefully. “Great,” I finally said. “So, your pool of friends consists of supermodels, ex-military, and assassins. Yes, I feel great in your care.”

Brock turned to Fox. “I don’t think she’s taking this so well.”

“It’s a process,” Fox retorted.

“You don’t know who’s after me. You can’t tell me what’s actually going on. You don’t know anything!” I shouted, my chest heaving as panic pushed further into my chest. I started taking deep breaths, sure I was about to pass out as black spots filled my vision. “It’s okay. You know these people. They won’t hurt you.”

“Is this supposed to happen?” Brock asked Fox.

“They might be protection agents, but that doesn’t mean they won’t kill you,” I chuckled. “This is what they do. They break into people’s homes and rescue women from anonymous threats. It probably happens all the time.”

“It actually doesn’t,” Brock supplied. “That should make you feel special.”

“What would make me feel special is a manicure or a pedicure. This feels alarmingly like something I should be very scared about.”

Fox spun around in his seat again. “If it makes you feel any better, there’s not a better guy I know to kidnap you for your own good.” He sent me what I’m sure was supposed to be a reassuring smile, but I found it terrifying.

“You said this wasn’t kidnapping!”

“It’s not,” Brock said.

“You said you were taking me for my own good!”

“I am.”

“You said you can’t kidnap someone you know!”


“But he just said you were kidnapping me!”

“I did,” Fox nodded. “Slip of the tongue. Do you like shawarma?”

My heart was beating out of control. I couldn’t fight the panic any longer. I was about to pass out. I took a deep breath, but it did nothing but make the black spots grow in size.

“I don’t feel so good.”

“You know, she’s not taking this as well as Anna did. Maybe you should put the tape back on.”