Page 71 of Blue Falcon

“Um…that might be a problem.”


“I think I left my Funyuns on the entryway table.”

“Why the fuck would you do that?” Brock snapped.

“Hey, you told me to get moving. What was I supposed to do?”

“Not bring Funyuns on a job!”

I screamed at them behind the tape, hoping they would finally turn their attention to me. After several seconds, the hood was pulled off my head and Brock grinned at me. I yelled at him some more and he finally took the tape off.

“I know how this looks?—”

“Why are you kidnapping me?”

“For your own safety.”

I glared at the sexy man, trying not to let my arousal take over the sane part of my brain. “I was safe. You saw it last night!”

“No, your father saw it, and he’s a liar.”

I rolled my eyes in irritation. “He’s not a liar.”

“He set up a stalker.”

“Yes, for publicity. He told me all about it.”

“And you’re okay with being used like that?” Brock asked incredulously.

Was I? I hadn’t given it too much thought. My father always knew what he was doing and I trusted him. Yes, it was taking things a little far, given how it turned out, but his intentions were good.

“Listen to me. If I wanted your help, I would have asked for it. Now, if you will kindly return me to my bed, we can forget this whole thing ever happened.”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen,” Brock sighed. “I wish it could, but this is for the best.”

I looked around the van, just now noticing no one else was in here. “Where’s Lock?”

Brock scratched the back of his head. “He wasn’t exactly on board with this idea.”

“It was my idea.” I heard the grin in Fox’s voice. “You know, I took Anna once for her safety. Technically, it’s not kidnapping if you know each other.”

“What? Yes, it is!” I snapped. “You took me against my will!”

“Yes, but kidnapping implies that…that…” Brock looked to Fox. “What was the point of this?”

Fox literally turned around in his seat while driving. I gasped, pointing with my bound hands out the window as we veered to the side of the road. “Look, all you need to know is that kidnapping for the sake of keeping someone safe isn’t kidnapping.”

“Will you watch the road?”

“I got this,” Fox grinned.

“You’re crazy!”

“Nope, I’m really not. As I was saying…” He turned slightly to check the road, then looked back at me. “Since he’s doing this to keep you safe, it’s really okay.”

“What he said,” Brock grinned. “I’m doing this to protect you.”