He barked out a laugh, shaking his head at me. “And why would I do that? I don’t need Lock kicking my ass.”
“Because something else is going on here,” I snapped. “Because a woman’s life is on the line.”
“Her father set it up.”
“Yeah, and he just slipped past our security,” I said sarcastically. “Doesn’t that bother you? Aren’t you just a little curious how he did it?”
“Not in the least,” he grinned.
I could see I wasn’t going to get past Scottie with these tactics. I was going to have to take things up a notch. “Look, if it was Quinn…wouldn’t you do everything you could to figure this out? Would you just walk away?”
“It’s not Quinn?—”
“But if it was…I get it. Wren is some rich socialite and she’s not exactly the most willing to have someone protect her. She stubborn and spoiled, but that doesn’t mean?—”
“Oh, for the love of God!” he sighed. “Just fucking say that you’re falling for her and you want to build a fire with her!”
Frowning, I stepped back. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“You wouldn’t? Then I guess you don’t really want to get in there.”
He grinned at me, waiting for me to say the words. I hated this fucker. “I want to build a fire with her.”
“And nothing. I’m not falling for her.”
“Huh,” he said, rocking back on his heels. “Interesting that you would be willing to go to such crazy lengths for this woman you want to build a fire with, but you’re not actually falling for her.”
“It’s an infatuation,” I argued.
“No man goes to all this work for an infatuation. Now, I suppose if you really were interested in finding out where this could go, it would be more like I was helping you keep your woman. But if you’re not actually falling for her?—”
“Fine!” I snapped. “I’m falling for her. Is that what you want to hear?”
He grinned at me, stepping aside. “You have five minutes. But if Lock comes down here, I’ll tell him you cold-cocked me.”
I stepped past him and yanked the door open, descending the stairs. The moment I saw him, I wanted to kill him. But that wouldn’t help me in any way. This guy was nothing but a string bean. I walked over to the corner where Lock had stashed his things and searched through everything. There was a fucking camera and a few other personal effects, but nothing that would aid him in getting past our security.
“How did you do it?”
I turned and faced the man. “You broke onto the property. How did you do it?”
“I was told?—”
“Bullshit!” I snapped, storming over to him. “There’s no fucking way you just walked onto the property. Sensors would have been going off long before you entered the house. So, how did you do it?”
“I’m telling you, that guy told me where to enter.”
I knew he was fucking lying. Ben didn’t know how to get past our sensors. If this guy was within fifteen feet of our sensors, warning alarms would have sounded. One of us would have been alerted, and there was no way for someone to get around that.
Unless he understood technology. Even then, it would take a hell of a lot of understanding of security to even attempt to bypass our measures. He would have needed a computer, access to our system, and a hell of a lot of other shit to hack his way in. Rae and Dash created our system, and not even I could break in without sounding the alarms.
“So, you were smart enough to break in, but you didn’t know how to bypass the alarms on the house?”