“And you’re okay with this?” I laughed. “Someone got past our security system. This guy?—”
“Is still in our custody,” Edu said, stepping out of one of the rooms. “So, we find out who he really is.”
“We’ve been ordered to stand down,” Lock sighed. “Our job is over. We pack up and ship out first thing in the morning.”
“You can’t be okay with this,” I argued. “There’s something very wrong about all this.”
“Yeah,” Lock stepped up to me. “Starting with the fact that we were here as part of some ploy the entire time. We don’t know what’s real and what’s not. All the fucking research in the world won’t tell us the fucking truth unless that fucker is honest with us, and right now, I wouldn’t trust a word out of his mouth.”
“We still have that guy tied up in the basement. We can still get something out of him.”
“To what end? We’ve been told to leave.”
My heart raced as fast as my mind. I wasn’t sure why I was fighting so hard for this, other than the fact that my gut was churning at the thought of leaving. It wasn’t just because of Wren. I saw that look of fear in her eyes and I didn’t like it. Maybe her father had set this all up, but there was something else going on here and we had to figure it out before we left.
“This is what we do,” I said calmly. “Look, let’s talk to this guy. If he gives us nothing, we walk away. I’ll leave this alone and forget about it. But he tells us anything of use, we have to follow it and figure out what the fuck is going on here.”
“It’s not that simple,” Lock argued. “We’ve been fired. Do you really want the police to escort us off the property?”
“Do you want to leave, knowing someone is actually out there, trying to get on the property?”
“You don’t even know what’s going on!” Lock exploded. “You’re so fucked up over this woman that you can’t see straight. I fucking told you not to sleep with her.”
“Yeah, while egging me on at the same time,” I snapped.
“The point is our job is over. We’re done here.”
“I just want five minutes?—”
“Enough!” he shouted. “This whole job was a scam set up by that fucker downstairs. We’re leaving and getting away from this fucked up family. Am I clear?”
I gritted my teeth and gave a tight nod. Turning on my heel, I headed for the door.
“Brock, where are you going?”
“To get my shit out of her room,” I called over my shoulder.
That would buy me maybe five minutes. As soon as the door was shut, I turned right and bolted for the basement. I had to get intel while I still could. As soon as Lock was packed up, we were leaving, and any chance of figuring out what was going on would be long gone.
I made it down the basement in two minutes. That didn’t leave me long for an interrogation. Scottie stood outside the door looking bored as hell. I casually walked up, jerking my head at him.
“Hey, anything happen?”
“Not yet. Just lots of whining and begging.”
I nodded, stepping toward the door.
“Whoa, whatcha doin’?” he grinned.
“Finding out how he got in. We both know this guy didn’t do it on his own.”
“And you think I’m going to let you down there?”
I clenched my jaw and stepped back. “Lock called you.”
“As soon as you left the room. What do you take him for?”
“Look, you know as well as I do that something else is going on here. Give me five minutes with this guy.”