“A what?” Wren asked.
“A servant—as you would put it. But he’s actually very highly trained,” I pointed out. “Has a college degree and everything. And he’s especially good with organizational charts.”
I smiled at Lock, but he wasn’t amused. “I’m good at a lot of things. Organizational charts are just for fun.”
“Right, nothing says sexy like an organizational chart.”
“I happen to love his organizational charts,” Juliette grinned.
“Well, you have to. You’re sleeping with him.”
I was about to give my two cents about how boring that must be in bed when I spotted a commotion at the entrance, and it wasn’t one we’d be easily able to tame. “Christ, did we really need him?”
Lock turned and caught sight of Fox walking in with Anna. “It wasn’t like I had a choice. Cash thought it would be a good way to have additional eyes around the place.”
“He’s too fresh off his latest job,” I said, looking pointedly at Lock. We both knew Fox wasn’t ready for this kind of event. One kill in the middle of the woods didn’t mean he was back and in the right frame of mind to work. For all we knew, he could lose it in the middle of the gala and start meditating.
“Cash doesn’t think so. Besides, Anna and Juliette bring a welcome distraction.”
“Anna who?” Wren asked, trying to peer around me.
I turned and grabbed her hand, leading her away from the group. “Listen, there’s something you should know?—”
“Hey! It’s the Wrenster!”
“The what?” Wren asked.
“You just have to go with it.”
“Who is that man?”
Fox sauntered over, grabbing her hand before I could stop him. He pressed a kiss to her hand, then gave her a huge smile. “The lovely Wren. You’re even more beautiful than your picture. May I introduce my fabulous and beautiful wife, the lovely Anna.”
Wren’s jaw dropped as she stared at Anna. “You’re?—”
“Fox’s wife,” she interrupted.
“Right, and?—”
“Delighted to meet you.”
Wren finally caught on that Anna didn’t want to discuss her previous life. She would get enough of that as the evening went on. “Yes, it’s nice to meet you as well. Are you interested in this charity?”
“To be honest, I’m not even sure what it’s for. I only came because Cash asked me to come out here.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be the only person in this room who has no clue what’s going on.”
“Are you an avid supporter of whatever this is?”
“Me?” Wren asked, a smile twitching at her lips. “I’m included in that group. The champagne is usually decent, but the food is always subpar. I would steer clear of the dinner menu and stick with the appetizers.”
“I love appetizers,” Fox smiled. “Do they have pigs in a blanket? Ooh, what about ants on a log?”
“What are pigs in a blanket?” Wren asked in disgust.
“You know, those hot dogs wrapped in a roll? Man, those are delicious.”
“Hot dogs?” She turned to me with a disgusted look. “Is he serious?”