“It’s relatively mild,” Lock muttered. “I mean, it’s obvious that this guy is obsessed, but he makes no threats toward her in any way. I imagine that when these first started arriving, he didn’t think much about them.”
“Then why did he save them?” Edu questioned.
“Here’s another one,” Scottie muttered, handing a letter to me.
My darling Wren,
You broke your promise. I can only assume you didn’t meet me because you were detained by others who would keep us apart. I won’t let that happen, sweet Wren. I will take you away from that life so we can be together.
Yours Forever,
“This guy is creepy as fuck. Why the hell would her father not tell her about this shit? What does he get out of it?”
“The press?” Edu suggested.
“Not if he keeps the letter to himself,” I retorted.
“No, I mean after this psycho gets his hands on his daughter.”
I hadn’t considered that. “Is this the worst of it?”
“Nope,” Scottie said. “And you’re really not going to like this one.”
I snatched the letter from him and read the contents, my stomach churning as I read the words.
Dearest Wren,
I held out my hand to you, and when you took it, I assumed you were finally coming to me. But you looked past me, smiling for a man who doesn’t deserve those looks from you. He is nothing, but since you don’t realize that, I will have to open your eyes the only way possible.
You will not be shackled forever, my darling. I will rescue you and free you from the man who makes a fool of you. It won’t be long now. Wait for my sign.
Yours Forever,
“Any idea when this was written?” I asked in alarm.
Scottie shook his head. “Ben didn’t give us anything they might have come in.”
“The man he talks about, it has to be Bryce. That’s her supposed fiancé. We need to warn him.”
“I’m on it,” Lock answered, pulling out his phone.
“She can’t go anywhere,” I said, pushing to my feet. I started pacing the room, thinking of the next steps we needed to take.
“How are you going to keep her locked up? Her old man isn’t telling her anything,” Edu pointed out.
“We’ll just tell her it’s not safe.”
“Yeah, I can see that going over like a lead balloon,” Scottie snorted. “She’s not exactly open to listening to us.”
“Then we stage a kidnapping,” I snapped. “We make the threat real to her.”
Scottie frowned at me. “You want to stage an attack on our client?”
“Do you know a better way?”