Page 134 of Blue Falcon

“Ah, yes. Well, that was two-fold. One, Cash wanted payback.”

“But…I didn’t do anything to him.”

“No, but he wanted you to know what it’s like to be kidnapped.”

I cocked my head at him, trying to understand the thought process that went into this kidnapping. “So…you kidnapped me and took me exactly where I was already going?”

His smile faltered slightly. “Well…we got you on the plane.”

“I was going on the plane anyway.”

“Right, but…” He scratched his head. “You know, you should really ask Cash about it. I had nothing to do with it.”

“Other than packing my shit and getting everyone else involved in my plans,” I pointed out.

“Aside from that.”

“And the second part?”

He looked at me funny.

“You said the plan was two-fold. What’s the second part of the plan?”

“Oh, right. Again, you should ask Cash about that.”

I rolled my eyes, snatching the glass off the table, only to find it empty. Fuck, I was really going to need another drink to get through this plane ride. “How much longer until we land?”

“Another hour.”

Great. Another fucking hour with Dash sitting across from me, staring at me intently. It made my skin crawl. “Why are you staring at me?”

“I’m just trying to figure you out, man.”

“There’s nothing to figure out.”

“Yeah, but there is. It doesn’t make any sense. Now, I’m not one to judge for your choice of women. I mean, she’s beautiful. There’s no denying that, but she’s nothing like you. I just don’t get it.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but he kept going.

“Miranda was perfect for you. I mean, up until she caught you with Lee. I think you freaked her out,” he grinned. “But she wanted a handsome, strong man to make whoopee with. She’s not stuck-up or an elitist. She just wants a strong man to pick her up and fuck her against the wall. And she was great to screw with. Remember—” He broke off as he started laughing.

Rolling my eyes, I sat back and waited for him to finish.

“Remember how I sent her upstairs and she caught you all tied up? Man, that was awesome.”

“Remember how I pinned you and forced my balls in your face?”

The smile slipped from his lips and he glared at me. “That wasn’t funny.”

“Neither was sending her upstairs. If it weren’t for that, I might have ended up with Miranda.”

“But did you really want her? I mean, knowing what you know now…do you think you’d have been able to resist Wren?”

Probably not. I hadn’t thought once about Miranda since this whole thing with Wren started. I prayed to God it wasn’t just insane attraction that had me chasing after her. Would Cash still take me back if I saw her again and suddenly didn’t want her anymore?

“So, what’s the plan?” I asked, sidestepping his question. “Are you guys going to follow me around wherever I go?”

“Let’s go,” Cash said, storming past me.