Page 127 of Blue Falcon

They all stared at me like I was insane. Maybe I was, but I called it a win. “Well…on that note. I’ll be leaving.” I shook Lock’s hand and clapped Edu on the shoulder, grateful they had tried to stand up for me. Then I kissed Juliette on the cheek and shot Eva a thankful nod. Scottie earned a glare from me.

“Right, you fuck up one time and that’s it,” he snorted.

I walked out of the office and headed for the front doors. Just as I was heading out, I heard Fox yell to me, “I’m still little Brock’s wingman!”

“You don’t really have to leave,” Dash said, scuffing the toe of his shoe on the floor.

“This is OPS property. I’m pretty sure being fired means I can’t stay.”

“I mean, I would hide you.”

“Thanks, but it’s time to move on. I fucked up and I know that.”

“Maybe I can talk to him. I mean, I did help you.”

“You proved I was chasing ghosts. If anything, he’s probably going to give you a raise for helping me get my head out of my ass.”

I shoved the last of my things in my bag and zipped it closed. I would have to come back for the rest, but for now, I just wanted to get out of here.

“Where are you gonna go?”

I wasn’t about to tell him my insane idea. Hell, I’d just been fired. He would think I was crazy. I shrugged. “I’ll take a vacation.”


“Puerto Rico,” I said, not bothering to really think about it first.

He narrowed his eyes at me. “You’re going to Puerto Rico.”

“Puerto Vallarta,” I corrected. “Yeah, got the two confused.”

He didn’t believe me. It was written all over his face. “Where are you really going?”

“To see Wren.”

There was no point in lying.

“For what purpose? You just left her behind. Hell, you dropped her on her doorstep and walked out of her life!”

“I did not drop her on her doorstep,” I answered irritatedly. “I walked her inside.”

“And then you were fired!” He shoved his hand through hair and began to pace the room. “What the fuck could you possibly—Brock, think about this. The woman doesn’t want you. She begged you to return her!”

I couldn’t explain it. From the moment I walked out of her life, I felt this gaping hole in my chest. I knew it didn’t make sense. Any other man would know he’d been beaten and lick his wounds. But all I could think about was her perfect lips and that beautiful blonde hair. She had been mine for a short time, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her marrying that dickhead.

“It’s something I have to do.”

“So, you want to be kicked while you’re down,” he nodded. “I can see it. I mean, it’s insane, but then again, so are half the people here. Alright, I’m in.”

I did a double-take. “You’re what?”

“I’m in. I’ll grab my shit.”

“No, this is not a field trip. I’m not asking you to come with.”

He grinned at me, slapping me on the shoulder. “And you’ll never have to. This is what we do for each other.”

“It’s not.”