Page 115 of Blue Falcon

“Because that’s what love is to you. A complication, right?”

“Precisely,” I snapped, sitting up in bed. “Why would I fall in love with a man, only to be hurt later when he has his first affair or decides he doesn’t love me anymore? Marrying Bryce, we both know exactly what we’re getting. It works for us.”

He watched me for a moment, just staring into my eyes until I squirmed under his intense gaze. Brock had a way of seeing inside me when I didn’t want him to. It unnerved me and made me wiggle.

“I hope you’re happy, then.”

“What?” I was taken aback by his sudden change in attitude. “What happened to waiting me out and making sure I’m yours?” I laughed.

“Don’t mock me,” he said, sitting up suddenly. “Maybe love isn’t in the cards for you. Maybe you’ve decided to hide away from anyone who might make you feel anything other than empty.”

“I am not empty,” I snapped.

“Then what would you call this?” he yelled. “It sure as hell isn’t living. You don’t feel a goddamn thing for anyone. You stroll through life demanding the best out of everyone, ordering them around and keeping them at arms’ length. All so you can pretend you don’t really care!”

Anger filled me as he stared at me accusingly. “Let me fill you in on something. There’s no pretending. I really don’t care, and if you thought I would somehow wake up and fall for you, you were seriously mistaken. This isn’t some act I’m putting on. I won’t suddenly fall in love with you or decide to upend my life to be with you. I am who I am, and if you don’t like it, then return me to my house and my life. I never asked you to take me.”

He shook his head slowly, staring at me in disappointment and disgust. I ignored the pang in my heart, telling me I was making a mistake. I couldn’t let him in. I couldn’t allow myself to feel anything for this man. I had a plan and I was sticking to it. I would get home and move on with life with Bryce. We would do what was expected and…and…

Tears pricked my eyes, but I bit them back before he could see the vulnerability washing over me.

“Fucking empty,” he muttered before turning and walking out the door.



“Tell me you have something,” I snapped at Dash.

“Give a guy a break. It’s been like ten hours since you last called and yelled at me.”

“I need some intel.”

“I know. Geez, you’re just as bad as the rest of them.”

“The rest of who?”

“The rest of them who fall in love.”

“You fell in love,” I pointed out. “I’m not in love.”

“Sure,” he chuckled. “Anyway, I did happen to find something out, but I’m not sure what to make of it yet.”


“I went over all the code again. There’s not a single thing out of place aside from the line that was altered to set off the alarms.”

“Dammit,” I swore. “So, what’s next?”

“Well, that wasn’t all I found. I got to thinking about what you said. Why would they set off the alarms at that moment? Why would Ben hire someone to hack into the system to set off the alarms? It doesn’t make sense. The guy could have opened the door and the alarms would have gone off. So, why go to all the trouble?”


“I dug through his financials. There’s not a single suspicious payment I can find. And believe me, I went through those files with a fine-tooth comb.”

“So, you asked Cotton to help you,” I surmised.

“Well…yeah. He’s good at this shit. And it got me out of driving lessons.”