“I understand involving your sister because she is part of your team, but I don’t want you bringing in Maxim.” She was generous in her offer, but that would be going down a path with the Bratva for a favor I didn’t want to owe. Not to mention, that was too good for Kent. Death was the easy way out, and I wasn’t going to let him rest so quickly.
Observing her, I confessed, “I visited Kent years ago. Every year, on the day of my brother’s death, he gets another visit. If I find out he has any other fosters, he’s a dead man.” Kent was a yearly visit. He could try to move, but I had a tracker on that sick fuck. He deserved every beating he got from me, every broken bone, and every kick to the dick. “I’m not letting him off easy. He’s my little project. Death is the easy way.” I watched her, wondering what she’d say if she knew I had Kent wound tighter than a top even when I was in the cage. Just because I was inside didn’t mean Kent was outside my grip.
“If you want a more permanent solution, I could contact Maxim,” she persisted.
“I’m a big boy, Natasha,” I answered, reaching to touch one of her cheeks. She was a beautiful woman. Interesting and smart — way out of my league. “I appreciate you wanting to help,” I paused. “Honestly, the offer is good, but I need to do this my way. I told you something about me. Tell me about yourself. Something I don’t know,” I asked, wanting to change the topic, but at the same time, it was genuine. There was so much I didn’t know about her. I wondered what taking her on an actual date would be like. I didn’t have much experience with those things, but I could try. For her, I would make it good.
She scooted a little farther from me on the chair to look at me fully. “I’m not sure how much you know about the Volkov Bratva.” She bit her lip, looking uncertain.
“Not that much,” I admitted. “Probably what I’m supposed to. They’re the Bratva.” I shrugged. “It wasn’t until a little while ago that I discovered that Dimitri was related to the Volkovs. It was when Maddox’s woman was kidnapped. My understanding was that he was hiding out, but I’m not sure why.” I picked up one of her hands, turning it over in mine, rubbing my thumb over the meaty part of her palm. “His brother Maxim runs the Bratva, but he seems to be an okay guy.” I shrugged. “Dimitri seems willing to call and ask for favors, but I don’t fucking know if that’s normal or not.” What did I know about normal family relations? Literally jack shit.
“Dimitri’s father was my uncle on my mother’s side. He was a cruel man.” She shivered. I did know a little more than I’d said. I knew what happened to Dimitri’s father. Alexei Volkov, the pakhan of the Bratva, had been shot dead by his son Maxim in true Bratva style. By all accounts, he was a total asshole. Maxim had taken over his Bratva by force. Dimitri had left that very day and left his brother as the new pakhan of the Volkov Bratva. I hadn’t met Maxim, but he seemed okay.
“My mother was afraid of her brother, but she didn’t dare say no when he sold her in marriage,” she continued. “It was an arranged marriage to someone he needed an alliance with. It is the way the crime families work,” she explained. I could tell her that was fucked up, but I didn’t bother to say anything. Who am I to say what was fucked up? My childhood was anything but ordinary. Natasha was silent for a moment, entwining her fingers with mine. “My father... he was a complex man. On the one hand, he was fiercely protective of us, but on the other, he was ruthless in his business. He wasn’t kind to my mother. There was a lot of yelling behind closed doors and mornings when she wore more makeup than she should have. Later, when I was grown, I understood what that meant. He wasn’t unkind to my sister or me but wasn’t attentive either. When my mother ran, she did it to protect us from becoming pawns in their world. My father died a few years after we left. Officially, it was a heart attack, but my mother always suspected my uncle orchestrated it. She never said it out loud, but I saw it in her eyes when she told me. I don’t want you to think I had a bad childhood. I didn’t. Mine was filled with love. It was just also full of rules. Once I was old enough, I understood them. We were hiding from my father and my uncle. My mother took my sister and me and hid us so we wouldn’t be forced into the same type of marriage.”
“So after Maxim took over the Bratva?”
“My mother was worn out. Ronnie was sick. We were broke, and I think she just got tired. I was starting college classes, but undergrad. So yeah,” she trailed off as I increased pressure, massaging her hand. I pulled her other one up to repeat the procedure. Her hands were small and delicate compared to mine, manicured and pale next to my callused skin. It was difficult to think of her afraid and stressed about her sister. I didn’t want to stop to analyze it. There weren’t very many women in my life. The closest I ever came were the women in my friends’ lives, and even that was a new development.
“So he helped.”
“Yeah. Max helped,” I said quietly. He had helped. It had been initially intimidating to come back into the Bratva world after being on the outskirts of it when our mother pulled us from it, but Max was all in. “I was able to keep going to school. My mom made a deal with him about my sister and me regarding the whole arranged marriage thing.” She tilted her head. “I don’t think he’s old school — much. Women aren’t allowed to be involved in running the Bratva, but on the legal side, he’s accepted me. I’m good at it. Being a lawyer was a way to ensure that what I did was respected. Max still tries to keep me out of it, which is why I’m here on loan,” she laughed. “If he had any true idea what was going on, he’d pull me out of here in a heartbeat.” My hands clenched around hers. I didn’t want her going anywhere. I’d like to keep her here as an anchor.
“I need you here,” I said flatly. “He can’t have you.”
She leaned forward into me, those tits of hers pressing against her blouse so I could see her nipples hard against the silk. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Fuck me.
Carrying Natasha into the bedroom, I let her watch me with her storm-cloud eyes as I shed my clothes, kicking my jeans to the side. Her fingers hesitated on the buttons of her blouse, but her legs had started to slide open. Blood surged through my veins as I threw off the rest of my clothes, letting my cock bob free. Her tongue darted out to lick that lower lip of hers. I wouldn’t mind if she wanted a taste, but I had other plans in mind right now.
“Go on, sweetheart. Undress for me. Slow.” Stroking my cock, I watched her as she undid each button, sliding them through the button holes with exaggerated care, making sure that she trailed her fingers along the exposed skin as she went. “That’s it. Show me.” I was having a more challenging time not gripping my cock harder, but I wanted the torture. She was so beautiful against the headboard pillows, contrasting with how I'd taken her bent over the bike. Then it had been a quick fuck, but now I wanted to take my time with her. I’d have all night to taste her, hold her, make her mine. The blouse fell open, a lace demi bra exposing pink nipples that pushed against the fabric.
Precum slid over the tip of my cock, and I moved forward on the bed, abandoning my post. “Open your legs wider.” She slid them open, letting them fall. “Further. All the way.” I shoved the skirt up out of the way, not giving a solitary fuck as the silk flew around her hips that it was going to be ruined. I had already divested her of her panties on the patio, and her pussy glistened, rosy, and pink—plump. Gently, I pulled each globe from the cup of the bra and gave each nipple a quick solitary lick. Hell, she even tasted of peppermint and vanilla. Like a candy cane,
“Touch me,” she moaned.
“In a minute.” I settled between her legs right next to that beautiful pussy and looked up at her. Nat had her head pressed against the pillows, legs akimbo as I’d asked, and her tits popped out. “You look like you need something, Natty.” She squirmed, and it was as if I could see her generate more moisture just by looking at her, her pussy weeping. It was such a turn-on.
“I need you. I need something,” she whined.
“Tell me what you want.” She frowned down at me, and I blew gently on her pussy, making her arch on the bed. “Fingers? Tongue?”
“Yes. Yes.”
Latching onto her with my mouth, I shoved my tongue into her pussy over and over again, grinding my face against the soft folds, nipping at her clit until she screamed. Twisting two fingers up into her channel, raking across her g-spot on each pass, I worked her pussy as her hips arched off the bed, and she held herself rigid. That was my girl. I wanted her to cry my name to the sky. Her pussy fluttered and gushed as she came screaming.
Ripping off the edge of a condom packet, I rolled one on. I couldn’t wait to go bare with her. I’d never gone bare with a woman, and the thought of coming inside of her was so hot. Notching my cock to her, I eased in, each inch of her tightening around my cock like a vise. She felt like home to me.
“Look at us. You take me so well. Fuck,” I surged the rest of the way, bottoming out. “Fuck.” Thrust. “Fuck.” Natasha’s nails dug into me as my pelvis ground into hers. “Again, damn it. Give me another one.” I pressed my thumb against her clit, hoping, stroking that hardened nub patiently. Each stroke into her was heaven as I pounded until I felt her flutter around me, and I could let myself fly over the edge.
I wanted to lay against her forever, but I had to go and dispose of the condom. Still, I pulled her against me, enjoying the feeling of a woman in my bed for the first time in my life. It felt right to have her there.
“I have the implant,” she said suddenly. I’ve gotten tested, too. If you’ve been tested, we don’t have to use one next time.” A blush spread up her chest. Trailing a hand over one breast, I weighed the globe gently.
“I got testing done a few months ago. We offer it to club members every six months if they want. I’ve never taken a woman bare …” I trailed off, thinking about how amazing it’d be. My cock was already hard just thinking about it.