“The bathroom,” I said to him, watching him wince at the memory.
“Got a change of clothes in the car,” Gio said. “I can handle it. You’ve done more than anyone could expect of you.”
“Like I said, this is part of the job I’m on. I didn’t mind lending a hand.”
“Yeah, about that…” Ciro started. “Obviously, we are going to be in touch as soon as we know more or need more information. I understand you know where Jan is.”
“Yes. I mean, to be fair, I don’t exactly know who any of them are. I just know that Saylor and I are staking out the place where the men who stole from her are hiding out. We have reasonably good sources that say it’s a Czech crew, but we have no proof of that. Beyond the tattoo on one of their forearms.”
“A flag?” Matej asked, his gaze pinning me.
“That’s Jan,” he said. “The others, I am sure, are other men who once belonged to my organization.”
“I can get pictures,” I offered. “If that would help.”
“It would,” Matej agreed. “I need to know exactly who we are dealing with.”
“Done. They aren’t very active when it comes to leaving the house, but we will keep a close eye. I’ll send the images to you?” I asked, looking between the brothers.
“Yeah, that works,” Elio agreed.
“I know Saylor has a vested interest in this,” Gio said. “But I think we can all agree that this is now Matej’s place to decide what happens next.”
“Unless they make a move on my Family, I’m not under any obligation to do anything right now,” I told them. “And she might be a stubborn-ass, but I can reason with Saylor about it too.”
“I expect an invite to that wedding, by the way,” Elio said, shooting me a smirk.
“It’s not like that,” I said, shaking my head.
“Yet,” he said.
“Yet,” I agreed.
Because while I would never say it aloud to Saylor—since I was sure it would freak her skittish ass out—I had a sneaking suspicion that was exactly where this was heading.
Maybe not next week or month or even year. We were both still reasonably young. I had a career to get up and going still. But, you know, eventually.
Suddenly, when I glimpsed my future, it was Saylor sitting beside me at my ma’s Thanksgiving table. It was Saylor in my bed each morning. It was Saylor with my ring on her finger and my future in her hands.
“Come on, man,” Gio said, clamping a hand on my back. “Go get changed, and I’ll take you to the port, so you can get back to her.”
With that, that’s exactly what I did.
It wasn’t until I was in the passenger seat next to Gio that I finally reached for my phone again.
And found I had three missed calls from an unknown number. With one voicemail.
I went to my inbox to find a familiar, but unexpected voice in my mailbox.
“Hey, Anthony. This is Sam. Saylor’s mother. She gave me your number in case you turned out to be a serial killer or something. Anyway… are you with Saylor? I’ve called her four times today and she hasn’t answered. It’s just not normal for her. Sorry if you two are, ah, occupied and that’s why. Just my job to worry, you know? Anyway, let me know. Thanks.”
“Who was it?”
“Saylor’s mom,” I said, swiping out of my inbox to find my contacts.
Sure, maybe Saylor was busy. Or taking a nap.