She held her breath and waited.
Soon, the demon’s breathing turned deeper, and he fell asleep while she lay in his arms, angry, outraged, and aroused.
K4S Headquarters,
London, United Kingdom
Shivay and his brothers were seated in a large conference room overlooking the Thames River and Tower Bridge. Although Thakvar security accompanied them everywhere, they waited outside as the meeting was private.
The CEO and two managing directors of K4S company were seated across the table. Shivay knew that the three men were cousins and grandsons of Anant Kapoor, founder of the multibillion-dollar K4S corporation and part of one of London’s highly influential and powerful families.
“Mr. Thakvar, do excuse me for being blunt,” said Krish Kapoor, the CEO. “K4S values Thakvar Enterprises as one of our topmost clients and our top raw materials supplier for our equipment. But we take our client confidentiality and security very seriously. We cannot disclose the details of our other clients under any circumstances… even when there is pressure through the Home Office of the UK and several other channels.”
Shivay knew Krish Kapoor was referring to the repeated requests to remove the blocked coverage over north Singoor and reveal the details of the client who had placed the order.
“Mr. Kapoor, then let me be equally blunt,” said Shivay, reaching for the folder on the table. He took out two enlarged pictures from inside and placed them side by side.
“Your cousin has kidnapped our sister Nandini and is holding her hostage somewhere in north Singoor.”
There was no change of expression on Krish Kapoor’s face. “My cousin?”
Rishab spoke up. “Yes, your cousin Rudra Kabali, also known as Rudransh Kapoor, took our sister.”
There was a small frown on Krish Kapoor’s face as though it was ridiculous to even think of such a thing.
“Mr. Thakvar. While we are sympathetic to your situation and can offer our services to find your missing sister—”
“Are you saying these pictures aren’t of your cousin?” Nakul asked.
“That is Rudransh, my cousin.” Krish Kapoor said, pointing at the Oxford football team photo. “It was taken six years ago while he was studying in Oxford.”
Nakul pointed to the picture of Rudra Kabali, hanging from the rope ladder while holding a knife to Nandini’s neck. “What about this one?”
“Mr. Thakvar, it’s often said that each person has seven people who are their doppelgangers. In our line of work, we have encountered more than seven. Sometimes, there are even a dozen lookalikes.”
Rishab leaned forward. “We would like to meet your cousin Rudransh Kapoor,” he said darkly. “We would love to show him the picture of his doppelganger who has kidnapped our sister.”
Krish Kapoor and his cousins looked unfazed by the sarcasm. “Rudransh is known to be a recluse. He doesn’t meet anyone outside of our family.”
“Bullshit!” Rishab snapped. “Either you accept this is your cousin and agree to talk about this, or we will not spare Rudra Kabali’s life when we hunt him down and find him.”
“It is not a matter of if but when,” Nakul added. “I’m sure you already know from your cousin that a spy was found near the Kabali encampment. The next step would be a full-on attack.”
Nothing seemed to shake the Kapoor men.
“You are free to do as you wish, Mr. Thakvar.” Krish Kapoor looked at Shivay. “As I stated earlier, we sympathize with your situation and can offer our services to help find your sister.”
Shivay held the man’s gaze. “Is that your final say?” he asked.
“Yes, Mr. Thakvar. That is our final say.”
Shivay knew the Kapoors were not going to budge from their decision.
Nandini thought she would burst into flames.