Her eyes returned to the demon and saw that he was continuing to watch her while he ate. His face remained impassive amidst the laughter and merriment around him.
Does he ever smile?
Finishing her meal, she put the plate away and washed her hands with the small container of water. Although she was done with her meal, she felt reluctant to return to the tent.
She looked up, and her heart jerked as her savage husband’s gray gaze was directed at her. He had finished his meal as well.
Just when she thought he would remain longer with his clan people, he stood up.
Her heart began thudding when he came towards her. She thought he would order her to follow him back to their tent. But she was shocked when he bent and scooped her up in his arms.
She gasped and placed her hand on his broad chest.
“I-I can walk,” she said, wiggling slightly, asking him to put her down.
But he held her in place. Her face heated feeling the curious and knowing gazes of the Kabali clan while their leader carried his bride back to his tent.
The demon’s face was impassive as always.
Her heart thudded, and she felt an urgent need to explain.
“T-this morning, I just came to the pond to see the sunrise. I didn’t know you would be here. I swear I didn’t see you take a bath or naked. So, if you are angry about that or something else, I want to let you know—” She broke off her rambling, realizing he couldn’t understand her.
His eyes and face remained unmoved as he watched her. Although his face was covered in ash, her mind recalled the handsome features underneath.
Her mind also reminded her that even though the demon was handsome, the danger he posed remained. She was still the demon’s captive wife.
Their tent was slightly uphill from the rest of the encampment. But the demon’s breathing barely changed, and neither did his arms strain as he carried her inside the tent.
Someone had already lit the oil lamps.
Her heart thudded as she continued to see his impassive face while he lowered her to the bedding.
She watched as he removed his clothes and bead accessories, preparing for the night.
Heat filled her cheeks and slid into the pit of her stomach as she recalled the naked form of her demon husband from the morning. Her heart thudded as he turned and met her eyes.
Something flashed in his grey eyes before he came towards her.
Is he going to rip off my clothes again?
She held her breath as he lay down on the bedding and his muscled arm wrapped around her. Unlike the previous nights, this time, she felt aware of his body in every way. Along with the heat of his muscled body, she also felt his desire.
“Tam hums manlam mam ornayi thikri dhani…gvanni,” he commanded against her ear.
Her heart continued to beat hard as she lay in silence.
Long moments later, she heard his breathing deepen even though his arm held her possessively.
How long until the demon snaps and takes me by force?
Three more days passed by in a similar manner. Each morning, the demon got up before sunrise and left the tent. Nandini followed him to the pond and hid in the shadows of the cave, listening to him playing the flute.
Even though her eyes could see that it was her demon husband playing the instrument, her heart felt lost in the beautiful music.
She stayed in the shadows and watched as he finished his morning routine and prayer. Just when he began dressing, she slipped out of the cave and returned to the tent.