How did he get a flute?
Her first thought was that he attacked and killed someone who owned the flute. But even if he seized the instrument, there was no way he could play such beautiful music.
Someone had taught him.
Although she was drugged during the wedding ceremony, she recalled that the only instruments that were played by the Kabali clan were the drums and conch shells. She would have known if someone had played the flute.
It was shocking and intriguing that the savage leader of the Kabali clan played the flute.
I have to ask Uma about it.
Making a mental note, she continued to observe him. He finished playing the beautiful music and kept the flute carefully on the side of the pond. And then, joining his palms together, he raised his head while facing the rising sun. He stood still for several moments, making her realize he must be praying.
It was shocking to see him pray as she expected him to be a merciless savage with no conscience or beliefs.
He is a savage, she reminded herself.
She had watched him kill brutally. And he had abducted and married her forcibly. She couldn’t allow herself to let down her guard just because he played the flute beautifully or prayed to God.
A few moments later, he stepped deeper into the pond and submerged his entire body. He remained inside the water for many moments before standing again.
A strange heat filled the pit of her stomach when she saw water sluicing down over his broad shoulders. The well-defined muscles on his arms stood out when he wiped back his wet hair over his scalp.
He turned and began coming out of the water. She moved further into the shadows of the cave. Knowing he wouldn’t return to the tent after his bath, she decided to wait until he left.
Her face caught fire as she watched him step out of the pond.
Oh my God.
His entire six-and-a-half feet tanned, tattooed muscled body glistened in the sun rays, completely naked. The only thing he had on were the brown beads over his chest, upper arms and wrists.
The early morning sun rays left nothing to her imagination. She wanted to close her eyes, but she was unable to. She had never seen a naked man before. And seeing the demon naked made her breath catch in her throat. Her eyes moved over the sheer breadth of his shoulders, the width of his muscled chest, the well-defined abdomen muscles, and his stomach. Her face caught fire, seeing his groin area. Even from a distance, his manhood looked scary and shocking as it lay between his powerful thighs. She didn’t linger and quickly dragged her eyes up, only to gasp.
Even as the sight of his powerful naked body left her breathless, it was his face that knocked the remaining breath off her lungs. She was seeing him for the first time without ash covering his face.
Not all demons are hideous.
The demon who married her was handsome. With high cheekbones, a regal forehead and nose, and a well-defined masculine jawline, he was stunning. She was beyond shocked.
Had she seen him outside the Singoor desert, she would have thought he was a male model.
No, not a model.
He didn’t have the lean, muscled physic or the smoothly waxed body of a male model. With powerful muscles, tattoos, and scars, his body was built like that of a warrior.
His muscles were built outside of gym and his body had sprinkling of dark hair. Her cheeks heated as she recalled feeling his chest hair against her bare back each night.
She watched as he put on the clothes that were laid on a side rock. It consisted of his black tunic and bottoms. He didn’t put on ash on his face. He most likely applied it elsewhere in the encampment along with the three horizontal lines on his forehead.
She watched as he picked up the three-pronged weapon spear that was lying next to a rock and held it in his hands.
Once again, he reminded her of a God. Tall and powerful as he stood facing the sun with his shoulder length hair flying in the breeze. The air around him seemed to sizzle with energy.
Her heart nearly stopped when he looked right at her.
No. He can’t see me. He doesn’t know I’m here.