Page 163 of Twisted Sins

Nandini’s mother took her to the family room, where she hand-fed Nandini some more desserts.

“Enough, Ma!” Nandini said with a laugh. “I’m going to burst!”

Nandini’s mother shook her head. “You must eat. God knows when you last ate sweets to your hearts fill.”

“The Kabali clan has really good sweets too, Ma.”

Her mother paused and looked at her in concern. “Did the Kabali clan treat you well, Chitti?” she asked. “I heard… they are savage and brutal. Everyone in Singoor fears them.”

“The Kabali clan treats me well, Ma,” she replied. “You raised me to be brave and taught me to accept others who are different from us.”

Chitra Thakvar nodded. “Yes, I know that, and I’m proud of how you and your brothers treat others respectfully. But I also know that you feel obliged to help others. And right now… you are doing it at the cost of your safety. The alliance and the Goddess Shakti statue commissioning ceremony are important. But your safety is more important to us.”

Nandini knew her mother was quite worried.

“Rudra won’t let anything happen to me, Ma. I’ll be safe with him.”

“What about Rahul?” Nandini’s mother asked. “You have been with him for so many years. Rahul loves you, and the two of you can spend the rest of your lives away from all of this.”

“I do love Rahul, but as my best friend,” Nandini said. She smiled, seeing the shock on her mother’s face. “Rahul and I pretended to be a couple as it was easier to hang out without others bothering us. Since it made you happy, I didn’t tell you that it was just friendship.”

Nandini’s mother fell silent.

“Don’t worry, Ma. I promise everything will be fine.”

Her mother slowly nodded even though she didn’t seem very convinced.

“There are rituals and events planned until late evening, Nandini,” said Ishani. “You can freshen up and rest until they begin.”

Nandini shook her head with a smile. “I’m not tired. I want to spend time with all of you.”

Although she had met Ishani before in San Francisco, she didn’t get a chance to meet Gauri and Aadhya who were Rishab and Nakul’s wives.

“Ma, why don’t you rest for a while,” Nandini suggested. “You must have spent all day in the preparations. I’ll spend time with Ishani, Gauri, and Aadhya and join you sometime.”

Nandini’s mother reluctantly nodded before hugging her. “I’ll have to meet the priests for a special prayer to be included. I’ll start the preparations for it now,” she said before stepping out of the family room.

Nandini knew her mother must be preparing for a thanksgiving prayer. Chitra Thakvar performed the thanksgiving prayers whenever her three sons escaped danger, which was often.

“Your mother is right, Nandini,” said Ishani. “You don’t have to remain married to the Kabali heir for an alliance. We want you to pick your bridegroom, a man who has your heart.”

Nandini smiled at Ishani. “All three of you married my brothers for alliances as well.”

“Yes, but we fell in love,” Ishani said softly. “Your brothers love us and will protect us with their lives.”

Nandini fell quiet. She knew her sisters-in-law were right. Nandini’s brothers adored and loved their brides even though their marriages had been arranged for alliances.

Although she knew Rudra would protect her, she couldn’t claim he loved her.

“Please consider breaking the alliance with the Kabali heir, Nandini,” said Aadhya. “Especially since there might not be a need for the fourth alliance anymore.”

Nandini was taken aback. “What do you mean? Why will there not be a need for the fourth alliance?” Then, something shocking occurred to her. “Has the stolen statue been found?”

Aadhya fell silent.

Nandini looked at her sisters-in-law. “What is going on? Please tell me. I know my brothers think of me as their little sister who needs to be protected by being kept in the dark. But I am involved in all of this and need to know what is happening. Please, tell me.”

Listening to the appeal, Aadhya’s face softened.