Page 133 of Twisted Sins

With that command, he walked by her and entered the bathroom before closing the door.

Her heart thudded. She wasn’t hungry or sleepy. She wanted to talk to the demon.

She had to tell him about the man named Tantra. And most importantly, she wanted to tell him again that she hadn’t intended to leave him.

What if he doesn’t believe me?

Restless and agitated, she threw the head toweling cloth on a chair and began pacing inside the large tent, waiting for the demon to come out.

Although the demon mentioned that all the clans in Singoor had signed the peace treaty, she knew the clan heir who kidnapped her had been breaking that rule.

What clan did he belong to? And how did Tantra, who was from outside Singoor, communicate with him?

Did her brothers know about this man named Tatra?

Why did Tantra want Rudra killed? Was it because Rudra was stopping the child traffickers from entering Singoor?

Was Tantra a child trafficker?

A child trafficker wouldn’t be that desperate to kidnap children from one particular place. If there was significant danger, he would have given up and operated in crowded cities where stealing children was easier. He wouldn’t go to the lengths of kidnapping someone’s wife, setting fire, or framing another clan to cause discord.

What is Tantra’s motive?

“Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

At the curt demand, she turned, and her mouth dried up.

The demon had bathed, washing away blood from his face and body. But the cloth kept in the bathroom could barely cover his six-and-a-half feet tall body. His magnificent body was put on display, including his blatant masculine desire, which was clearly outlined by the thin cloth.

Maybe it was escaping the danger. Or maybe it was realizing how strongly she felt towards the demon. But an immediate answering desire roared through her veins right then.

She wanted her demon husband.

“I’m not sleepy,” she replied.

There was a thundering frown on his face as he came closer and looked at the table where the food was left untouched.

“Why haven’t you eaten?” he demanded.

“I’m not hungry… at least not for food.”

Her cheeks heated at her boldness.

The demon turned to look at her, and she held his molten gaze.

“Rudra…” she whispered and touched his chest.

His massive body tensed immediately.

“Kiss me,” she softly said.

He had kissed her many times over the weeks. And with each kiss, she had felt a range of emotions. His first kiss had terrified her, but his other kisses made her burn with anger and desire. The kiss he gave her that morning before he left had made her long for him. She wanted his kiss to make her forget everything and simply savor his closeness.

“No,” he gritted.

She was shocked by his response. The demon had never stopped from kissing her.

“Why?” she asked.