Page 12 of Twisted Sins

She was slipping into yet another exhausted sleep when she heard the sounds of horses from a distance, followed by primitive shouts. Her heart jerked.

Oh God. The demon is back.

She knew it must be him. She wrapped her arms tightly around her body as she heard the encampment coming alive.

Closing her eyes, she hoped the demon leader would leave her alone until a ransom was paid. Her true nature was to scream in fury and frustration. But the violence and brutality she had witnessed told her that would be the quickest way for her to be killed.

So, sucking in a deep breath, she lay still.

The sounds of voices grew, and she could hear the women who had come to her tent earlier. The tent flap opened, and suddenly, the air inside the tent shifted.

The demon was inside.

The musky smell of sandalwood permeated the air. She realized that she held her breath. Unable to bear it, she opened her eyes.

Shock ripped through her when grey eyes clashed with hers. The sun was setting, and there were shadows inside the tent, but there was enough light to see him. He was dressed as how she had seen him earlier that morning. His face was covered with grey ash, but there wasn’t any blood from the earlier attack. Another thing missing was his three-pronged weapon attached to a spear. Even without blood on his face or his weapon, he looked utterly terrifying.

He was standing with his massive arms folded against his chest.

He was watching her while the women were pointing at her and telling him something angrily. There was no expression or movement in his eyes or face.

Fear slid into her stomach, making it churn.

One of the women pointed at the food tray on the low table next to her. They opened the lid and showed him the huge chunk of red meat swimming in gravy and vegetables that were left untouched.

Will he order them to force-feed her?

She realized she would be of more value as a ransom if she was alive. And if she starved herself, she might die and would be of no use to him.

Anger shot through her at the thought.

She had grown up with three brothers and a mother who doted on her and indulged her smallest of whims. Never had she been mistreated or made to feel so dehumanized by anyone.

The savage man had no value for a human life. She had seen how easily he had taken lives.

Her anger grew. Rage like she had never felt before filled her.

The rage gave her a sudden burst of energy. She sprang up and leaned over the low table where the food tray was put. Grabbing the knife that was kept as a utensil, she lunged and stabbed the demon.

There were shocked gasps from the women inside the tent. She was shocked too as the knife she held in her hand was now covered in blood. She had aimed for the heart, but since his arms were folded against his chest, she ended up stabbing him in his upper arm.

A long yet deadly silence filled the tent.

She thought he would kill her right then. Her legs trembled as she waited for the death blow.

The cold grey eyes glittered. And slowly, his lips twisted into a dark smile that shocked and terrified her.

“Kabali vaya hums tutpader aj rath,” he said in a deep voice. “Thakvar janavari hums veja mam gvanni.”

One of the women stepped out of the tent and repeated the same words as a loud announcement.

Soon, primitive cries and shouts were heard from the encampment.

Nandini didn’t know what the demon said. But she knew whatever it was, it wouldn’t end well for her.


Nandini was in a daze.