I will kill him!
Knowing she couldn’t oppose the demon’s order, she followed the women to the tent. Just as they arranged the dishes on the low table, there were sounds of horses and eagles returning to the encampment.
The demon is back.
Her jaw clenched.
Rumi lit a couple of oil lamps and sprinkled fragrant dried flower petals on the bedding, making the atmosphere in the tent romantic.
“Thank you,” she said, forcing a smile.
As soon as they left, she began pacing the tent, waiting for the demon.
She didn’t have to wait for too long.
His tall form filled the entrance of the tent, and he bent his head to step inside.
Their eyes met, and once again she was dumbstruck seeing his handsome face without ash. But she pushed away her attraction and let anger take over.
She reminded herself of how he had tricked her.
“You devious bastard!” she hissed out.
Picking up an empty copper tumbler, she threw it at him. It hit him on his broad chest, making his grey eyes glitter dangerously.
A part of her warned her that she was dealing with a brutal savage and it was dangerous to attack him. But she didn’t care. Her anger and outrage drove her.
“You tricked me!” she shouted. “You let me think you would be killing that boy! But I know the truth now!”
His grey eyes flashed. “That doesn’t change anything,” he said. “You will keep your promise.”
She was outraged by his words. “Of course, it changes everything!”
His mouth twisted darkly. “I didn’t ask you to make the promise. You made it on your own. And you will keep your promise… no matter what.”
She realized the demon was right. She was the one who had made the promise and told him she would keep it no matter what.
The savage was using her words against her.
She watched as he took off his black tunic and accessories and then sat near the food table.
“Come here,” he ordered.
“No!” she snapped. “You can’t make me keep the promise!”
“I can and I will,” he stated. “Now, come here and join me for dinner.”
“No, I won’t!”
He watched her. “Either have dinner with me right now or take off your clothes and begin showing me your experience in the art of lovemaking, especially the blowjob that will blow my mind with pleasure.”
Her face burned at the reminder of what she had said to him the previous day.
“I hate you!” she hissed and sat across from him.
His mouth twisted darkly. “You can hate me all you want. But you will keep your word and be my wife in every way you promised.”
Savage demon!