“I shouldn’t have been greedy,” the SUV driver said, shaking in fear. “I shouldn’t have betrayed my own people.”
“What are you talking about?” Nandini asked in the native language.
The man didn’t answer. He seemed frozen in fear.
Rahul clutched her hand, and she could sense his fear. She squeezed his hand in reassurance even though she wasn’t sure about what would happen.
Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, she saw a tall, broad silhouette of a man holding a long, vertical spear with a curved, three-pronged top. She could see dark shoulder-length hair, black clothes, and dark brown beads covering a broad chest and bulging arms. She was reminded of one of the gods in her mother’s prayer room.
The smoke began clearing.
At first, she saw the man’s face was covered in ash-grey powder with three distinct horizontal white lines. But as her eyes lowered, the man no longer reminded her of a god.
Far from it. The man’s other hand was wrapped around a uniformed security man’s throat. With seemingly no effort, he lifted the security man off the ground by the neck. And the next moment, the sharp end of the spear slashed the throat of the struggling man.
Blood splattered over the tall, savage man’s greyish face.
He looked like a demon from hell.
Two more security men attacked him from behind. The blows didn’t seem to have any impact. But once again, with utter savagery, he dragged those men in front of him and brutally slit their throats using the three-pronged spear and a shorter weapon in his hands.
She watched everything in shock until the savage man looked right into her SUV and began heading her way.
She could hear gunshots as the security head shot at the savage man. But nothing seemed to work. The man continued to come towards the SUV like a demon.
Oh God, is he even a human?
Two more men dressed similarly to the savage man attacked the uniformed security personnel who tried to stop the savage man from coming towards her.
The shock continued to grip her as she saw those savage men slit throats using three-pronged weapons they held in their hands.
Cold sweat slid through her temples when the security head attacked the savage. But the savage held him by the neck and raised him off the ground. The sound of the door opening made her turn in shock. The SUV driver got out and tried to escape.
But he had barely taken a few steps when one of the savage men held him. A swift slicing sound was followed by a soundless scream from the driver’s throat being slit. Blood splattered all over the SUV windshield.
Nandini felt too shocked to scream, and so was Rahul. But with a trembling hand, she pressed the lock button of the SUV door multiple times until she was sure it was locked from the inside.
Rahul gasped, and the grip of his hand on hers turned tighter.
“T-they have surrounded us,” he said. At least four of those savage men stood around the SUV.
The windows were tinted, and she hoped the men could not see who was inside. Although they were surrounded, her eyes remained glued to the savage demon who had killed the security head and was now getting closer.
He stopped next to the SUV on Rahul’s side and she couldn’t see his face as he was too tall.
“The doors are locked, and windows are bulletproof,” she whispered, trying desperately to reassure Rahul and also herself.
But barely a moment later, the sounds of metal hitting the SUV filled the air inside. The demon was hitting the SUV with the spear.
“Nandini, I-I don’t think it’s going to hold up—” Before Rahul could finish, the door of the SUV was yanked open as the hinges broke, baring them to the savage demon who held the spear.
Eerie gray eyes met with hers.
“D-don’t hurt us!” Rahul held up his hands and spoke. “We are here for a ceremony at the Singoor temple. We are unarmed.”
The demon looked at her for a long moment before returning his gaze to Rahul. One moment, Rahul was trying to reason, and the next moment, he was dragged outside.
Rahul’s terrified cries prompted her to react. She got out of the SUV from the opening and threw herself on top of Rahul, who was on the desert sand.