He briefly kidded himself that the reason he’d asked her to stay behind was a purely professional one. After all, as her employer he needed to discuss her new position within his company at greater length, right?


At this precise moment in time, he didn’t give a fuck about the world of dry statistics and financial figures that were part and parcel of Kendall’s work at Buchanan Enterprises. No. He’d asked her to stay behind because he needed to be close to her, closer than her seat at the boardroom table had allowed.

Of course, Mac had come across attractive women many, many times in his life, and he’d been more than happy to take advantage of any sexual opportunities that had presented themselves. And why the fuck shouldn’t he? He was a man in his prime—a man with red blood coursing through his veins. However, although he’d only laid eyes on Kendall a half hour ago, there was something about this woman that called to him. Like an irresistible siren luring ships to their doom, she was special, piquing his curiosity to such an extent that he felt compelled to find out more about the exquisite creature that now sat mere inches from him.

She placed an immaculately manicured hand over her mouth, and coughed discreetly. “My weekly reports, Mr. Buchanan. They’ve been acceptable to you?”


His mind was on other things though. Itemized figures and terminally boring profit-and-loss charts were the last things he wanted to waste his energy on. His thoughts inhabited a more carnal level altogether as he fantasized about what lay hidden beneath the practical gray business suit she wore.

She spoke again, more softly this time. “Good, I’m glad.” Then belatedly added in an even more overtly sexual voice, “I aim to please, sir.”

I hope you do, Ms. Van Heusen.

Just the simple way she connected with him at this most intimate level turned him on. He’d always been the same. In his world, it was the smallest things a woman did that made the biggest impact—a look, a touch, a gesture.

His cock was hard again for the third time in barely thirty minutes, and he hoped she didn’t notice. Such was the gathering sexual tension between them that he longed to say, “Stand up, honey.” In his imagination, which was starting to run out of control, she obeyed immediately. “Yes, Mr. Buchanan. Of course, sir.” She’d then hold him in her gaze and seductively purr, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Just stand there and look beautiful.”

“As you wish, sir.” Then he’d take his fill of her awe-inspiring beauty before slowly slipping that dull knee-length skirt to her ankles, only to find that she wore absolutely nothing underneath. “Mmm. Ms. Van Heusen. Your boss is impressed.” Then he visualized himself dropping to his knees, before kissing her creamy butt cheeks like a man possessed. Wanting more, he’d then bury his nose between those perfectly formed globes and breathe in her feminine scent. Without asking for, or even needing her permission, he’d then turn her around and push her back against the boardroom table. Then he’d spread her thighs wide before hungrily eating out her silky smooth pussy, which would taste deliciously of her feminine arousal.

Jesus wept. Get a hold, man.

He needed to quit thinking this way, because he saw those china-blue eyes dip to his crotch. Shit. His hard-on was too well advanced to hide, and her eyes abruptly returned to his face. She didn’t fool him for a moment though, because her beautiful translucent skin was now tinged with a knowing blush.

Kendall gave a little cough, and he knew she’d seen his erection, but then quite unexpectedly, she looked directly into his eyes and gave him a smile full of adult intent. Things were looking up in more ways than one, because he knew without doubt that his stunning new employee was far more aroused than embarrassed.

Mac would definitely take this further, because the signals she now transmitted with such intensity made him believe that Kendall Van Heusen was more than willing to come along for the ride.

Chapter Three

One week later

Lying submerged in a bath full of aromatic bubbles, with only her head breaking the surface, Kendall felt supremely relaxed. With her eyes closed, her left hand hung decadently over the side of the tub. She didn’t give a damn that scented water dripped from her fingers onto the tiled floor, because right now, her pulse rate was about ten.

Oh, bliss.

Power showers were a wonderful invention, and great for the invigoration necessary to start the day, but for the ultimate in relaxation, a leisurely soak in the tub just couldn’t be beaten. With her eyes still closed, she took hold of the soapy sponge and squeezed it, allowing the fragrant water to cascade over her face and body.


Exactly a week ago today, Mac had asked her to stay behind after the boardroom meeting. It had been a baptism of fire for her, and as events had unfolded that morning, they’d taken her by surprise. She didn’t like to think of herself as being spiteful or, worse still, vengeful, but she had to admit, the way he’d dominated that sanctimonious prick, Mark Springer, turned her on. The loudmouthed bigot deserved everything he got, because before her boss had entered the room, he’d treated her in a wholly disrespectful and dismissive manner. Chauvinist pig.

Kendall idly squeezed the sponge again, this time allowing the warm soapy water to trickle over her breasts, stimulating her nipples, which had always been incredibly sensitive. She still felt sexy as hell, even though she’d masturbated in the tub already. Did she feel guilty about pleasuring herself in such a wanton way? Absolutely not and why the hell should she? After all, she was a twenty-first-century woman, without any of the repressive hang-ups of a bygone age. Indeed, sexual thoughts of her gorgeous new boss had made wonderful mental imagery. As she’d pleasured her clit with teasing circular movements, visions of his huge cock pounding relentlessly inside her had been her stimulus, until she’d joyously ed not once, but repeatedly. It was lucky the walls to her apartment were well insulated, because in the throes of ecstasy, she’d been vocal to say the least. Anyway, enough of this blatant self-indulgence, because tonight he’d invited her out to dinner, at Le Bernardin, generally acknowledged as one of the finest restaurants in New York, if not America.

He’d given the impression he’d wanted to take her out on the very same day she’d stayed behind in the boardroom. He hadn’t asked her then, but four days later, on Tuesday of the following week, he’d called her private cell phone number.

Mac Buchanan was the total package. Not only was he extremely good looking, but he also had charisma in abundance, and a bank account that ran into the hundreds of millions or possibly even billions.

Oh, and did she forget to mention he was sexy as hell, too?

As she scrunched her toes, enjoying the comforting feel of the warm water lapping around them, she allowed her mind to wander once more. His call had come as a total surprise, and thinking on her feet, she’d invented a fictitious scenario on the spur of the moment, just to let him know that however dominant he was in the boardroom, he couldn’t have everything his own way. Even though her heart had been beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings, it pleased her that her response had come across as calm and measured.

As Kendall lay luxuriating in the bubbles, she could still recall their telephone conversation in minutest detail. After a few minutes of small talk, he’d broached the subject by saying, “I regularly eat out at Le Bernardin. I’d like you to join me for dinner tonight.”

“I’d love to, sir, but—”

“Call me Mac away from the office.”

“I’d really love to, Mr. Buch—”

“The names still Mac, honey.”

“My mother’s visiting tonight. It’s been arranged for over a week.” Her mother wasn’t coming. Hadn’t even phoned, but it was good for a girl’s reputation not to appear too eager when a handsome man showed an interest in her.

“Uh-huh, I see. Friday then.”

“Friday’s fine…Mac.”

“That’s settled then. I’ll pick you up at eight.” Then the conversation finished so abruptly, she initially wondered if she’d dreamed the whole episode.

Kendall soon realized she hadn’t, and found herself doing the happy dance around the kitchen, banging any pots and pans to hand against the work surfaces, and making one hell of a racket in the process.

She’d punched the air in triumph. Woohoo, dinner with my drop-dead gorgeous boss. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Reluctantly bringing herself back to the here and now, she felt around with her left hand until she located her watch, which lay at the side of the tub. Goddamn it, the condensation had misted up the face, but when she looked closely, she could just make out the time.

6:40 p.m.

Rouse yourself, woman, or your boss will knock on the door and find you naked.

Kendall couldn’t help smiling at her thoughts as she pulled out the plug with her foot and then reached for the towel.