“According to my sources, Mr. Buchanan, the dumb bastard had been spending money like water all over Tijuana. In such a poor country, it’s like signing your own death warrant. Mexico is a dangerous place at the best of times, and if you advertise you’ve got a shitload of cash, then you’re just asking for trouble.”

“How did he die, Frank?”

“Bullet through the brain. He obviously pissed the wrong people off.”

“That figures. And the million dollars?”

“From what I hear, there’s around eight hundred thousand left. It’s spread over several bank accounts. Graves has no next of kin, so it looks like the state is in for a windfall. That is unless you go public about the blackmail.”

“Nah, I can do without the publicity.” To hell with the money. What was the old saying? Ah, yes, easy come, easy go. Well, in his opinion, it was worth every cent, because it had brought him closer to Kendall. “Thanks for the info.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Buchanan. I’ll fax you the details across.”

“Thanks, Frank.”

Mac closed the connection then turned to Kendall before pulling her into his arms once more. Feeling happy with the news Frank Carrell had given him, he kissed her forehead. “Did you catch any of that, honey?”

“Yes, some. Is he dead?” Mac figured she didn’t want to use the animal’s name.

“Yeah, very.”

“What happened?”

“He got careless. Too much tequila. Too many whores. The end result probably being that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and someone blew his fucking brains out.”

She shuddered. “Good. After what he did to Ashley, he deserves to burn in hell.”

“Roasting as we speak.” Mac cupped her chin and angled her face to his. “Kendall, don’t waste another thought on that lowlife prick. He’s not worth it.”

“I won’t. He’s dead. The world won’t miss him, and neither will I.” As though pushing Karl Graves from her mind, she sighed before allowing her fingers to drift across his abdomen, her touch feathering over his cock. “Go on, Mac. I want you to finish the story of your life.”

How the hell did Kendall expect him to go on with his life story when she touched his cock like that? The way her perfectly manicured fingers glided over his shaft made it impossible for him to think straight.

“I’m still waiting.” She had a husky voice, too. One that dripped concentrated sex appeal, because just the way she said those three little words, made him want to shoot his load.

Anyway, he’d struggle on as best he could, trying to ignore her tender touch and fragrant scent as she lay nestled against him. He coughed. “Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, so now I was thirty-two years old and ready to take on the big boys.” He stilled her hand briefly with his own. “You gotta stop doing that, honey.”

“Why? Don’t you like it?”

“Yes, that’s the problem.”

“Go on, boss.”

In a futile attempt to distract himself, he coughed again. “In the next couple of years I bought the Philadelphia Bugle, the Los Angeles Echo, and the New York Tribune. All of which I still own today and all of which make mega bucks for Buchanan Enterprises.” He stilled her hand for a third time before pulling it from his cock altogether. “Behave, Ms. Van Heusen, or I may have to discipline you again.”

“Promises, promises.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”


“In that case I’m not going to do it.”

She pouted petulantly. “Spoilsport.”

“Okay, there you have it. The whole ball of wax. Mac Buchanan the first thirty-eight years.”

“And very interesting it is, too. Inspirational even.”

“I like to think so, honey.”

Despite what he’d told her, he felt her eager hand on his cock again, but now the telling of his life story was over and done with, he felt inclined to leave it there, enjoying the pleasure she gave him. When she snuggled closer, allowing her warm breath to feather across his chest, he finally understood just how deep his love for this beautiful lady ran.

Kendall was perfect, just perfect for him. Stunningly sexy, but brave as a lioness, too. Together, there wasn’t a damned thing in this crazy world they couldn’t deal with and overcome. The sex was great, and he loved every intimate moment he shared with her. Once he’d discovered the unselfish reasoning behind her actions, and after writing off her debt, their story should end here. By rights, they should be heading their separate ways now, only, he didn’t want that to happen.

Jesus Christ, I can be a dumb bastard at times.

It doesn’t have to end here, dummy. Go the extra mile. Tell the girl what you feel in your heart.

As he looked down at Kendall, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder, he saw her eyes were closed and her breathing relaxed. He guessed she straddled the slender margin that separates wakefulness from sleep.

“Kendall, honey,” he whispered, before gently blowing in her ear, causing those beautiful blue eyes to flicker open.

“Mmm, I’m so comfortable here.” She stretched luxuriously like a lazy cat in front of the fire.

He could tell by the way she smiled that her mind was in a real good place right now. Well, so was his. In fact, he’d never experienced such focus and clarity of purpose.

Her eyes started to flicker shut again, so he gave her a gentle nudge to keep her attention. “Kendall.”

“Mmm, I hear you.”

“You know everything about my past. Everything right up to the present day. Right up to this very moment, in fact.”

“Mmm, yes.” She could still barely keep her eyes open, but he knew she heard and understood.

“Well, would you like me to tell you the story of Mac Buchanan part III—The Future Years?”

“Huh,” she dreamily replied. “Even you can’t predict the future, Mac.”

“Oh, but you are so, so wrong, honey.”

“Am I? Go on then, astound me with your powers.”

He kissed her forehead, loving her more with each passing second. “Well, it goes like this. The Big Bad Newspaper Boss hires a stunningly beautiful financial controller by the name of Kendall Van Heusen.”

He enjoyed the sensual smile that curled the corners of her sexy, full lips. “That sounds familiar.”

“Yeah, it should do. Anyway, after wrongly distrusting her motives and actions, he realizes he’s made a big mistake, because later on he finds out she’s a really great girl. One he should have trusted all along. So, feeling like a selfish prick, the Big Bad Newspaper Boss decides to make amends by putting things right.”

“I see.” She stretched again, obviously finding it hard to keep her eyes open. “And how exactly does the Big Bad Newspaper Boss do that?”

“By asking his beautiful financial controller to marry him. By asking her to do him the honor of becoming his wife.”

Kendall instantly jolted awake and sat bolt upright, snatching her hand away from his cock. “Don’t tease me, Mac. If this is a joke, then it’s in very poor taste.”

“It’s no joke, honey. I love you, and you love me, and nothing would bring me greater pleasure than you becoming Mrs. Kendall Buchanan.”

Caught off balance and off guard, she floundered. “Yes…yes…yes, and I love you, too, Mac, but…but…”

He placed his index finger to her lips, stilling her midsentence. “Shhh, there ain’t no buts, honey.”

“But there is… What about your million bucks? You’ll never get that back now.”

He wistfully shook his head. “Wanna know something, Kendall?”

“What, Mac?”

“It’s because of the money that I’ve fallen in love with you, and you’re worth so much more to me than anything a million bucks could buy. Kendall, I love you. You mean the world to me, and you still haven’t given me your answer.”

“Oh, Mac.” Her beautiful mouth held the perfect O, and he saw sheer love reflected in her eyes—the love she felt for him. “Oh, Mac. In my wildest dreams I didn’t think it would end like this.”

Because of Kendall and the profound impression she’d made on him, his vision for the future had changed. The unrelenting drive and sheer ambition that had compelled him all these years to seek evermore power and wealth no longer controlled him as it once did. Like a millstone being removed from around his neck, he didn’t need to prove himself anymore. Discarded on the scrap heap of humanity as a child of little consequence, he’d established himself as a man to be reckoned with. Against all the odds he’d made it. He’d had a point to prove, and prove it he had, but none of that mattered a crock of shit if he couldn’t spend the rest of his life with the woman he loved—Kendall.