Chapter Eleven

“Oh…dear…God.” With her face turned to one side, she stared directly into Mac’s soulful silver-gray eyes as she came, and then came again. Christ, how she loved that man.

She watched in total awe as Mac took off his shorts, allowing his fully erect cock to spring free. “I love seeing you like this, Kendall. I adore watching you come. Your beauty when you orgasm is something I could never tire of, because I love you.” His eyes were hooded, his mesmerizing voice soft and velvety as he spoke.

“I love you, too,” she whimpered as yet another orgasm came crashing through with such force that she couldn’t stop herself from burying her head deep into the pillows, moaning joyfully against the soft sweet-smelling cushions.

When she turned her head to look at him again, he was gone, and it was only when she felt the mattress compressed between her legs that she realized where he was.

“Kendall, I love you so much.”

“And I love you, too, Mac.”

“This will be a little cold, honey.”

Mac’s actions took her by surprise, making her jerk involuntarily, as he gently massaged lube in and around her puckered hole.

“I love you so much, Kendall, that I wanna claim your beautiful peachy ass as mine.”

“Oh, and I love you so much, Mac, I want you to.”

Kendall felt euphoric, because everything good in the world had come together for this perfect moment in time. Her secret had been exposed yet forgiven, but more importantly, Ashley had been found alive and well, allowing her to enjoy the wonderful sexual gifts that Mac bestowed upon her without any feelings of guilt.

He lay his powerful body over hers, his magnificent weight pushing her clitoris onto the inexhaustible vibrator that performed tirelessly beneath her. The huge increase in pressure had the consequence of forcing out yet another incredible orgasm. How many was that now? Delirious on sexual fulfillment and being in love with Mac Buchanan, she’d lost count. Who cared? She was past caring. Let the ecstasy continue unabated. It did, because she felt his cock probe the entrance to her anus before he pushed it completely home with an animalistic grunt. This single athletic thrust was delivered with such vigor and energy that it forced the air from her lungs, leaving her overdosed on pleasure.

“Your gorgeous ass is now my property.”

“Yes.” The combination of his huge prick deep inside her butt hole and the exquisite way her clitoris was forced against the buzzing vibrator beneath her overwhelmed Kendall to such an extent that she found it hard to articulate a response. “Oh, dear God, yes.”

“You’re mine.”


“Only mine.”

“Yes, oh yes.”

“To do with as I please.”

“Oh yes, oh, yes, oh yes.”

The way he growled in her ear, the sexual menace so evident in his voice, made her come apart at the seams as yet another epic orgasm was forced from her. Kendall marveled at the female form. How was it possible for the human body to produce such never-ending joy as orgasm after orgasm erupted from her with breathtaking intensity? But then, the man deep inside her ass was no ordinary mortal. He was Mac Buchanan—an extraordinary individual by any objective measurement she cared to use. The man was simply awesome, and she loved him.

His weight felt delicious as it relentlessly crushed her clit against the very tip of the sex toy. His strokes became deeper and more urgent and his breath louder and heavier against her ear with each magnificent thrust of those powerful thighs. When she felt a single droplet of sweat hit the back of her neck before running the length of her spine, she knew he was close, achingly close to letting go himself.

With one final thrust, deeper, harder, and more painfully savage than any other, he exploded noisily inside her, biting her neck, branding her as his own as he spilt his warm seed inside her ass.

Such was the energy expended by them both, Kendall figured that almost a full minute passed before the first words were spoken. The only sound being their rapid breath slowly returning to normal and the insistent buzzing of the vibrator still between her legs.

Mac’s breathing was ragged and halting when he finally spoke. “Good?”

“You’re kidding me, right? That was sensational. You were sensational.”

“Then that makes two of us, because we’ve just shared something very special, Kendall.”

When he finally lifted his weight from her, Kendall’s emotions were that of relief and regret. Shedding two hundred pounds of muscle and bone was good, but she immediately missed Mac’s warmth and nearness.

Even now her breath was still rapid, and she haltingly asked, “Can you…can you pull this damned thing from beneath me please. I’m done. Totally exhausted. My body has nothing left to give.”

Mac laughed—a laugh she had grown to love. “Annoying little bastard, isn’t it? That thing has even more staying power than me.”

“Only just. You were insatiable.”

Mac mercifully slid the dildo from the folds of her pussy then hit the off button. “All done. Peace at last.”

When he hunkered down and untied the silk binding securing her ankles, she immediately shook her legs to get the circulation going again. She did the exact same thing when he released the cuffs from her wrists, waving her hands about in an attempt to get the life back into them.

“Oh, Mac, you wouldn’t believe how good it feels to be free of those shackles. The cuffs especially can be quite painful.”

“Yeah, I know, honey, and you’ve been real brave. For being such an uncomplaining girl, I’ll give them a rub. “

Mac sat on the side of the bed, compressing it with his weight before lovingly turning her so she lay on her back. “Come here, honey. Rest your head against my shoulder and chill out for a bit.”

“Oh, right away, sir. You’ve just made me an offer I can’t refuse.” With those heartfelt words, she placed an arm around his waist and joyfully snuggled into his warm, masculine embrace. “Mmm, lovely. You’re like a giant hot water bottle.” Kendall idly toyed with the smattering of dark hair covering his masculine chest. She wanted to know more about the man lying next to her. How he got to where he was today. “Mac?”


“Tell me about your life.”

“I thought I’d already done that.”

“The early years, yes. Your time in children’s homes and with various foster parents I know about, but I want to hear the story of Mac Buchanan part II—The Adult Years.”

Mac tapped her nose with his finger. “You are a curious little thing, aren’t you?” He stretched out next to her, making her adjust her position as she lay on his shoulder. “Well, if you really want to hear about my later life, that’s okay by me. I left foster care on the morning of my eighteenth birthday. My life up until then had been disjointed. A total fuckup. My education was limited, so I was totally unprepared for the outside world.”

“Yet you achieved so much.”

“I did, and that’s the thing I’m most proud of.”

“Go on. I’m all ears.”

“The authorities had provided an interim hostel for me to use until I got my bearings and found myself a job, but when I saw the shithole they’d chosen, I decided it wasn’t for me. It was full of drunks and junkies, and knowing what happened to my mother, there was no way I was going to stay. I knew right there and then that I’d either succeed or fail on my own terms.”

“Wow. That’s fighting talk if ever I heard it.”

“With just a few bucks in my pocket, I headed in the opposite direction. I was totally on my own now, and after years of being institutionalized it felt great. I know it sounds clichéd, but as I walked off into the sunset, I felt free and liberated, as though I could achieve anything, if only I put my mind to it.”

“And you did, Mac. You went on to achieve great things.” The more he spoke, the more her admiration for him grew. Mac’s really was a rags-to-riches story. Eager to hear more she impatiently tapped him on the arm. “Go on, go on. Don’t keep me in suspense, boss.”

He shot her a mischievous glance. “Patience, Ms. Van Heusen. Patience. I then had a succession of dead-end, low-paid jobs, all of them requiring more brawn than brain. During this sorry period in my life, I still had no regular place to stay, nowhere to get my head down at the end of the day, so I spent most of my time sleeping rough and turning up for work looking like shit. After a few months, I’d made enough money to take a room in the seediest motel imaginable. One with cockroaches the size of cats.”

She shuddered at the thought. “No, that’s too gross. You’re kidding me, right?”

“It’s the God’s honest truth, honey.”

His story intrigued and inspired her. She could see why the Mac Buchanan of today had so little time or sympathy for people who relied on state handouts. He’d done it the hard way, and he saw no reason why every other able-bodied person couldn’t so the same. With a deft nudge of her elbow, she encouraged him further. “Keep talking. Don’t stop.”