Goddamn it, this guy is hot. When he smiled a perfect smile and flashed a casual glance in her direction, she realized he knew it, too.

Damn you, you sexy bastard.

After taking his place at the head of the boardroom table, his presence became even more dominating, and to complete the picture, he pulled his already loosened silk tie through its loop and then hung it over the back of the chair along with his jacket.

Assessing everyone at the boardroom table with a steely gaze that suggested he knew everything about them, both good and bad, he steepled his fingers together and tapped them nonchalantly against his chin. “Right then, down to business.”

Kendall furtively watched the other men in the room tentatively allow their hands to float to their necks before touching their own ties. However, not one of them dared to loosen the knot and remove it like their boss had done. Even weasel-faced Mark now took on a submissive demeanor as though he’d been neutered by the mere presence of Mac Buchanan.

Although the men in the boardroom with her were obviously important people in their own right, her new employer clearly operated on a completely different level. A level that meant he didn’t have to bow to convention. A level of unapproachable authority that meant that he could do as he damned well pleased, whereas lesser men had to follow the rules.

Absolute power seemed to be his to command, and as far as she was concerned, an aphrodisiac if ever there was one. Such was his overwhelming presence, the messages her brain sent to her clit impacted in a way that made it difficult for her to sit still.

Marcy made another entrance into the boardroom, her high heels clattering noisily on the hardwood floor. This time she came armed with more coffee, and Kendall noticed that she personally served a cup to her boss well aware of exactly how much sugar and cream he took. She then placed the tray in the middle of the boardroom table and glibly added, “I’m sure the rest of you would prefer to help yourselves.”

Kendall saw this deliberate ploy as yet another power play by her new boss. Giving him personal service and attention, yet allowing the rest of his underlings, herself included, to compete for what was left.

Marcy then sat down in a spare seat, carefully smoothing her skirt into place before flipping open her electronic notepad and seductively purring, “I’m ready when you are, Mr. Buchanan, sir.”

By the overtly flirtatious tone she used, Kendall guessed the rumors about Marcy and Mac Buchanan were probably true.

Chapter Two

Mac Buchanan cleared his throat and scanned the scene before him. The new girl, Kendall Van Heusen, sat two places away from him, near enough to give him an intoxicating whiff of the expensive scent she wore.

Hmm, he’d recognize that perfume anywhere. It was Hermès 24 Faubourg, and very expensive. A fragrance he was particularly fond of, and one he’d bought for the ladies in his life on many occasions.

It wasn’t strictly necessary for her to attend this monthly meeting, but as his new financial controller, he wanted to demonstrate how things worked at the sharp end. After the conference was over, she’d leave with a better understanding of Buchanan Enterprises.

Glancing in Kendall’s direction once more, he was glad he’d done so, because less than six feet from him sat the most stunningly beautiful woman he’d seen in a long, long time. He hadn’t interviewed her for the position himself as was usually the case. Pressure of work dictated that he hand the task to Louise Brody, a senior employee with more than a decade of exemplary service behind her. His initial impression was that Louise had done a fine job.

A damn fine job.

Of course, as her boss, he’d made it a priority to read her résumé, and it was impressive to say the least. Aged just twenty-seven, she’d attended Princeton University and graduated with honors. Mac considered her young to be the financial controller in sole charge of a team of almost twenty personnel, but her background was excellent, with both her parents being high flyers in their own fields of expertise. At this point in time, he had no reason to doubt Louise’s judgment.

A natural blonde, her beautiful golden locks fell in coils of silk, framing her heart-shaped face to perfection, before trailing seductively over her shoulders. Her complexion was flawless, and he figured she enjoyed a healthy lifestyle. Because she was sitting down, it was difficult to tell how tall she was, but he guessed she weighed no more than one twenty at most. Reading between the lines, he thought her craving for fast food was rare, probably enjoying fresh fruit and a Caesar salad far more than a burger and fries.

Her dark-gray business suit was, well, functional, and exactly what was needed for the responsible position she now held within his empire, but even this dullness couldn’t hide the curvaceous figure that lay beneath. He could just make out her tiny waist as she sat confidently behind the mahogany boardroom table. When he raised his eyes slightly, he noted with a certain satisfaction that her breasts were full, and he guessed deliciously firm.

As she took a sip of her coffee, he noticed her fingernails were immaculately manicured and painted in a shade of red he found particularly arousing. Oh yes, the more he saw of his new financial controller, the more he liked. Even though he was in charge of a business meeting with three other senior male employees sitting around the table, he felt his cock harden when his gaze connected properly with hers for the first time. Her eyes were large and attentive, and as they sexily flickered shut before opening again, he could only describe their color as a delicate china blue.

Aware that his thoughts had become sexual and had nothing to do with the business in hand, Mac reluctantly put the image of her silken body writhing naked beneath him from his mind, and instead, focused his attention on the here and now.

Rapping the silver spoon against his coffee cup, he enjoyed the way all four employees stiffened in their seats. “Right then, let’s get this show on the road.” In his opinion, it never did any harm to let his minions know that not one amongst them was indispensable. He figured that just the thought of losing their jobs during this period of financial recession kept them in line.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as you will be aware we have a fresh face with us today. Kendall Van Heusen is our new financial controller.” Knowing everything that went on his business, Mac folded his arms across his chest and paused for what seemed an unfeasibly long time, searching each individual face in turn, before speaking again. He saw it in their eyes, not one of them had a fucking clue that the boardroom was bugged for sound, and he’d heard everything that had been said from the comfort of his office two floors up. While he didn’t give a fuck whether his employees liked him or not, he thought their treatment of his new financial controller to be shabby and disrespectful, although he wouldn’t let on for now. “Kendall comes highly recommended, and I have no doubt she will give the company the biggest bang for its buck that’s possible in these recession-hit times.” He nodded and gestured in her direction. “Welcome to Buchanan Enterprises, Kendall.”

She blushed slightly with the attention being focused solely on her. “Thank you, Mr. Buchanan, and thank you for giving me the opportunity.”

“You’re welcome. Say, how long have you been here now, honey? Three weeks isn’t it?”

“It will be a month tomorrow, sir.”

“Uh-huh. That’s good. And your team, you’re happy with their performance?”

“Yes, Mr. Buchanan. Louise informed me it would be fine for me to choose my own.”

“That’s correct. Those were the instructions I gave her.” He scanned the boardroom table. Already having all the answers, he probed, “Have these guys introduced themselves to you?”

“Not exactly, sir.”

“I see.” The exchange between Mark Springer in particular and Kendall was testament to that, and he’d recorded it for future reference. Knowledge is power. The guys he employed were a bunch of hardheaded, hard-drinking individuals who didn’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves, and the simple fact that he’d put a mere girl in such an important position had obviously ruffled their feathers.

Fuck them. I make the rules here.

“Well, for the record, honey, the guy on your right is Mark Springer. He’s the editor of the New York Standard. On your left is Steve Johnson, editor of the Los Angeles Echo, and sitting opposite you is Dave Watson, editor of the Philadelphia Bugle. Total circulation some twenty-five million copies.” He heard a little female cough, and he couldn’t help but smile slightly. “And of course, Marcy Cooper, my personnel assistant who you’ve already met.”

“Welcome to the mad house, honey.”

Mac wagged a finger. “Marcy, behave.

“Sorry, Mr. Buchanan, sir. Just trying to make the lady feel at home.”

Mark Springer clearly wasn’t enjoying his time in the boardroom. If a heavyweight title contender had punched him full in the face, he wouldn’t look more pissed than he did right this moment. In the three years since he’d hired him as the editor of his best-selling newspaper, he’d improved the circulation by some twenty-five percent, but in the last six months the sales had slumped badly, and he wanted to know why.