As he looked directly into her eyes, this achingly gorgeous man impaled her with deep forceful strokes, letting her know he was into her as much as she was into him. His huge cock expertly filled her, pleasuring her erogenous zones, sliding past her clit with an exquisite sensation that inched her closer and closer to the ultimate release she craved so much.

Such was the joy he gave her, she couldn’t resist scoring her fingernails down his back with willful abandon. Kendall watched his beautiful face briefly grimace from the pain, but his sexual assault on her body didn’t abate in the slightest.

Getting closer to orgasm, she clawed at his back again, harder this time, probably drawing blood.

“Mac, goddamn you. Everything’s so wrong, but when you’re deep inside me like this, everything feels so fucking right.” The words tumbled from her lips in a breathy tirade.

The unpleasant and troubled circumstances that had brought them to this point were far from ideal, but as those piercing silver grays stared down at her, there wasn’t another place in the world she’d rather be right now.

He kissed her with a desire that every woman wanted, but only a few genuinely experienced, and she kissed him right back with equal passion. Mac had to be a magician, because just minutes before she’d felt despondent and defeated as she’d thought about Ashley and what she was going through, but as he buried himself to the hilt inside her again, she sensed her thoughts and feelings edging toward euphoria.

“Mac.” She clawed her fingernails down his back again. This time, she figured she used too much force even for him, because he winced before roughly grabbing hold of her arms and pinning them above her head.

“This wildcat needs taming.”

“Yes.” And Mac Buchanan was the only man who could do it. The only man she’d allow to do it.

As she flexed her hips, catching each inward stroke of his with an outward one of her own, the unyielding tiles surrounding the swimming pool dug painfully into her shoulders and back. Under normal circumstances, she’d long for a soft fluffy mattress beneath her, but for some unknown reason the discomfort she endured only added to her excitement.

As Mac continued to tame her, bending her to his mighty will, he lowered his head and devoured her right nipple, pulling it taut with his teeth, expertly finding the slender sweet spot that separated utopian pleasure from outright pain.

Kendall felt it then, just a mere tingle at first as her orgasm began building. It started in her womb, the delicious pleasure radiating outward until it reached her sensitized engorged clit, toying with it in the most sexy way imaginable, enough to make her moan out loud. “Oh, Mac, I’m so close, please don’t…please don’t stop.”

The smile that spread across his masculine features reassured her that he wasn’t about to disappoint her. Instead, like the master he was, he slowed the pace, filling her with the sweetest, deepest strokes imaginable. The torrential rain had flattened the jet-black hair to his forehead, and water dripped from his face, splashing onto hers as he held himself above her, watching, absorbing her every reaction.

You make me…Oh dear God, you make me.

“Oh, my, God. It’s right there. I can’t…I can’t…I just can’t stop it coming.” She knew her breathing was rapid in the extreme, so much so, she found it difficult to speak coherently.

When her finally crashed through, making her reassess just how good sex with the right man could be, she embraced it with every fiber of her being, wrapping her legs behind his back, squeezing the life from him in order to steal every last vestige of pleasure he offered.

She came wonderfully, magically, and then she came again and again, each time with a ferocity and intensity matching or even surpassing the magnificent storm that still raged around them.

By the look on Mac’s face, he enjoyed giving her pleasure as much as she enjoyed receiving it. After intently studying each other’s emotional reactions for what seemed an eternity, he finally threw back his head and released inside her with a shudder that transferred from his body to hers, as his muscular two hundred-pound frame ground her into the unforgiving tiles around the overflowing pool. As he orgasmed, he kissed her lips with an intensity that showed her that the money, which had once seemed so important, now meant nothing to him.

As he lay with his head nestled in the crook of her neck, and despite her obvious discomfort, she welcomed his weight on top of her. His breathing was as fast as hers, and although out of sync to begin with, it soon matched her own. This feeling of oneness with Mac pleased her immensely, and for now at least, worries about Ashley’s safety receded slightly in her mind.

Kendall still felt his cock twitching inside her as their bodies lay blissfully entwined. The sex had been wonderful, and right now, she felt wonderful, too. When she opened her eyes and stared up into the night sky, she noticed the worst of the storm had now passed. Its passion and anger, now replaced with a refreshing serenity that made it feel good to be alive. Enjoying the irony, she smiled. Mother Nature and herself seemed to share the same crazy mix of emotions.

As he started to slip from her, Kendall wrapped her arms around him even more tightly than before. “Stay. Don’t go, Mac.”

He kissed her cheek. “I’ve got to, honey, or I’ll crush you. The tiles around the pool are rock hard.”

She couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his choice of words. “Rock hard, just like your cock was.”

He laughed, too. “Just like my cock still is, honey.” And to prove his point, she felt his huge dick twitch inside her once more before he finally slid it from her.

Kendall immediately missed the way he filled her pussy so completely, but was grateful for the relief it gave her back and ass. As she started to sit up, she instantly realized the effect the unyielding limestone surface had on her joints.

“Mac, that was something else. You were something else, but next time let’s do it someplace more comfortable.”

“You got it, honey.” With a knowing wink, he lifted her from the ground as though she weighed nothing. Cradled in his arms, she stared up at him with even greater admiration as he strode purposefully toward his magnificent house.

Once inside, he kicked open a door with his bare foot and carried her through, and she realized he’d brought her to his bedroom. A thought flashed through her mind then. Surely he wasn’t capable of sex again? Goddamn, he’d last ejaculated less than five minutes ago. No. Even Mac Buchanan wasn’t that superhuman.

The sparsely furnished interior could only be a man’s room, because it was devoid of any feminine influence. Of the many words she could use to describe the décor, she figured functional, plain, and manly were the most appropriate. Fitting perfectly with Mac’s ultramasculine demeanor, not a hint of lace or the color pink were anywhere to be seen.

The bed was huge, even larger than king size, and she figured he’d had it specially made at considerable expense. The thought of four or five airhead bimbos seeing to his every sexual need on that very bed was unpalatable, and she dismissed the unwelcome intrusion as quickly as it arrived.

Are you jealous, Kendall?

No. I’m not that type.

You are when it comes to this guy.

No, I’m not. Anyway, once the ten days are up, we’ll go our separate ways and never see each other again.

Making the final payment on her debt should be a time for celebration—a time for breaking open the champagne. But somehow, the more she got to know, like, and respect Mac, the more she dreaded that day arriving.

Am I falling in love with him?

No. Our relationship is no more than a business transaction.

You can’t lie to yourself, Kendall. You’re falling for the guy—big-time.

He gently lowered her to the floor, allowing the remnants of the rain to trickle down her face and body before pooling at her feet.

“You’re soaking wet. I’ll go get a towel.”


He strode naked and magnificent to what she assumed was the en suite bathroom before returning moments later with a super-sized bath towel. His cock, although not as unbendingly hard as when it had been inside her, was still semierect. Without a word he started to towel her hair dry. His kind actions made her feel protected, and she couldn’t imagine this guy giving her up to the cops now, whatever happened. Their relationship, should she choose to call it that, had moved on from the time he’d summoned her to his office and given her the ultimatum. Sex or jail. Your choice, lady.

So much had happened. Was it really such a short time since her incredible and sometimes scary adventure had first begun?

“Turn around, honey.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling her. Kendall was more than willing to oblige and instantly felt the soft cotton towel against her bare back and ass.

Mac Buchanan was a legend. His meteoric rise in the newspaper business was heralded throughout the western world. However, she knew very little about his early life. Nobody did. Maybe, while she had his undivided attention, she’d probe a little deeper, try to find out what made the great man tick.