Page 29 of Reckless Dare

“Good. You should get out more often and meet with the students from your department.”

Nitya was right. There were quite many second year medicine students who took the same classes as her. Most of them appeared to be introverts like her since they didn’t communicate much among each other during classes. But Ava was sure if she spoke to some of them, they could form study groups in the library.

Once again her heart leaped at the thought of the library and what had transpired in there a while ago.

Loud laughter from the living room distracted her.

“Come on,” said Nitya. “Let’s join the others.”

Nodding, Ava went along and took a spot on the corner of the couch which was vacant. Most of the girls in the group were seated on the carpeted floor with pizza slices in their hands. There were cans of soft drinks next to them as alcohol wasn’t allowed inside the campus buildings.

Smiling, Ava tried to follow the topic of discussion.

“I seriously don’t mind the age gap,” one of the girls said with a big grin. “I would jump at the chance of being with any of the Simha guys. And not just because their parents have oodles of money and influence. It is purely for carnal reasons too. I want those hot genes in my progeny.”

There was a burst of laughter and agreements.

“Yeah, especially the oldest one,” another girl joined. “Hubba hubba. Abhiram Simha seems to get hotter and hotter each year. I literally had to fan myself when he passed by with his entourage at the dining hall.”

Ava’s heart leaped listening to her tormentor’s name.

“Whoa!” Nitya said with a laugh. “Don’t say that in front of my roommate Pooja. She is determined to land Abhi as her boyfriend.”

“Which girl at Simha doesn’t think that?” someone asked cheekily. “Doesn’t mean he would show interest in her. I doubt he or his cousins would tie themselves to anyone in particular when they have the entire female population falling all over for their attention.”

“Yup. I heard about Ved and Rana being caught in compromising positions. But for some reason Abhi is never caught publicly. Although several girls have bragged about making out and being with him.”

One of the girls turned to look at Ava. “I remember seeing you talking to Abhi during the party. He seemed to have followed you. What happened?”

Ava’s cheeks heated at the question and the sudden attention when all the girls in the group looked at her with curious glances

“Nothing,” she said.

Nitya’s eyes brightened. “Ooh, I didn’t know that. Why didn’t you tell me!” Nitya demanded.

Ava’s cheeks heated all the more. “It was nothing. He was warning me about not wandering away in the dark and we… uh… spoke about the university.”

“Oh.” The girls looked disappointed that nothing happened.

“Come on, Ava!” one of the girls shouted. “How could you wander into the dark and be close to Abhiram Simha and do nothing!”

There was laughter once again. Ava’s cheeks heated.

Ava was tempted to blurt out about how the guy everyone was crushing over was tormenting her. But she held back. She didn’t want to come off as a tattle tale. It was something she would have to deal with herself.

“You should text him,” a girl advised with a grin.

Ava was shocked. “What?”

“Yeah! Since you already said you want to go on a date with him during the game, you could use that as a reason to text him. In fact, why don’t you text him now asking him about the date?”

Ava’s heart thudded. That was the last thing she would do. Text her tormentor and ask him for a date. He would probably throw her off a cliff or a mountain and call it an accident. He hated her.

“I… uh… can’t. My parents are expecting me to video call them in a while. Maybe some other time.”

Once again there were disappointed faces.

Nitya grinned. “Good call, Ava. If Pooja finds out you asked out Abhi, she would throw an epic tantrum. I prefer a peaceful atmosphere until I graduate this year.”