Behind Lily, Cody ambled up, Scooby’s leash looped loosely around his wrist. The yellow lab sniffed intently at a rosebush, tail wagging cheerfully. Cody gave me a shy half-smile and a little wave.
“Hey, Cody.” I straightened up and smoothed my sundress. “Did you two escape from your dad again?”
Lily nodded vigorously. “Uh huh. We wanted to see what the pretty lady is doing on the terrace.”
“I’m launching a new marketing campaign for weddings and events here,” I explained to the ten-year-old boy. “Kate’s going to take some photos for our website and social media.”
Cody’s brow furrowed as he processed this. “Why would someone want to get married at a grape farm?”
“It’s not just a grape farm, goof!” Lily chided with a roll of her eyes. “It’s like a fancypants resort! Like where Uncle John and Aunt Martha got married at that big city resort, ‘member?”
“Oh…” Cody’s face cleared with understanding. “With a pretty white dress and everything?”
“Exactly.” I shot Lily an appreciative grin. She might only be eight, but she was sharper than a tack.
I glanced toward the house, half expecting a frazzled Ridge to come barreling out at any moment. It seemed unlikely those two munchkins had gotten this far without his noticing. But the rambling hacienda remained still and quiet in the midday heat.
A tiny meow drew my gaze downward. The grey-striped kitten that had recently been roaming around the vineyard was weaving between my feet, arching her back and purring up a storm. I scooped her into my arms, scratching under her chin as she burrowed against me contentedly.
“I love her can I take her with me?” Lily asked, throwing me a pleading look.
I bit my lip.
“I’m not sure, sweetie. You’ll have to ask your dad about that.”
Cody snickered at that, earning himself a fierce glare. The kitten purred louder, distracting Lily, who reached over to tickle her belly. A faint smile played across my lips as I watched them.
Kate climbed down from the terrace, camera bag slung over her shoulder, and made her way over to us. “Look at this one, Em,” she said, angling the camera display so I could see.
My breath caught in my throat at the warmth captured in the image. Lily was perched on my lap, tiny fingers buried in my hair as we gazed at each other with matching bright smiles. Her hazel eyes sparkled with unbridled joy and adoration that tugged at my heart.
“Aw, you guys look so cute!” Kate gushed. “Total sister goals.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her cheesy comment. Kate meant well, but she could lay it on thick sometimes. “Thanks, that’s a really sweet shot,” I murmured instead.
Glancing over at Cody, I noticed his pout and quickly put an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a sidehug. “Don’t worry, bud, you’re still my favorite ranch hand.”
He tried to shrug me off, all awkward ten-year-old embarrassment, but I could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Anyway, I should have all the pictures edited and over to you in a day or two,” Kate went on, shifting the weighty camera bag on her shoulder. “Just let me know if you need any re-shots or if the bosses want anything else.”
I nodded solemnly, doing my best to suppress the flutters in my belly. Getting too far ahead of myself would only lead to disappointment. “Actually…I was hoping to talk to you about something.”
Kate’s eyebrows rose with interest as I drew in a steadying breath.
“This is just in the exploratory phase,” I prefaced, “but if all goes well with expanding into a full resort and events venue…we’re going to need an in-house photographer.”
Her eyes went wide, lips parting in an excited little ‘o.’ “Oh em gee, are you offering me a job?”
“Potentially?” I hedged. “I have to wait and hear back from my brothers first, of course. But if they give us the green light to move forward, I’d love to have you on board.”
Before Kate could respond, a tiny hand tugged insistently on my sundress. “Emma?” Lily peered up at me, hazel eyes wide and imploring. “Can we get the lollipop from the desk?”
I shot Kate an apologetic look. “I’ll catch up with you soon, okay?”
She waved me off with a grin. “No worries, I’ve got to run anyway. But keep me posted!”
Turning my attention back to the kids, I arched an inquisitive brow. “Where’s your dad?”