Don't be afraid.
So few words, yet they remained indelible in her memory even after so many years.
Fifteen long years.
Those words, and soft, soft brown and thick black. The faint scent of incense and a touch so tender it made her want to cry.
She had never cried, as far back as she could remember.
I'm here, miss. They won't hurt you again.
Then there was fire that seared its way into her soul.
Why are you giving me roses, Grandfather?
Their color is also the color of your cheeks. That is how pretty you are.
She giggled.
He smiled.
Father spoke to me last night. He said that he and Mother will be taking me to the Diesel Dome next week, for The Test.
I know.
Is it hard? Do I have to kill somebody when I get there?
It all depends on what happens when you're there, Blanca. That is why it is called The Test.
Oh. I see.
In my opinion, a good kill a day would be enough.
That doesn't sound so hard, Grandpa. But this also means one more thing.
And that is?
I won't be seeing the rest of the flowers when they all come into full bloom later this season.
Yes. But when you see flowers in Asphalt City, you will remember them. And you will remember me. Will you do that, Blanca? Will you remember?
She smiled broadly, fearlessly.
Yes, Grandpa. I will.
Don't be afraid.
A Zola knows no fear.